RFC: Web packages and Prefix:

Mariusz Mazur mmazur at kernel.pl
Wed Aug 20 23:31:31 CEST 2003

On Wednesday 20 of August 2003 23:23, Aredridel wrote:
> Good point.  I should look and see how hard it would be to do inside of
> RPM. . . perhaps represented with virtual package names --
> Squirrelmail(prefix=/foo), squirrelmail(prefix=/bar)

This are generaly big changes. Since kloczek is dead and gone I must ask - do 
we have anybody in contact with rpm maintainers? If not - any volunteers?

I think this is a very very very good idea, but implementing it in a good way 
would be a little to much to make it a patch. And I don't like the 'hack this 
and that' approach.

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