gnustep-make-1.7.2 and gnustep-base-1.7.2

Aredridel aredridel at
Fri Jul 25 01:36:41 CEST 2003

Attached are specs for the packages. Gnustep changed default directory
layout in -make, and base needed small changes.
-------------- next part --------------
# $Revision: 1.21 $, $Date: 2003/07/19 23:54:22 $
Summary:	GNUstep Makefile package
Summary(pl):	Pakiet GNUstep Makefile
Name:		gnustep-make
Version:	1.7.2
Release:	1
License:	GPL
Vendor:		The GNUstep Project
Group:		Applications/System
# Source0-md5:	5b349dd804785f335392ef4749e72a6d
BuildRequires:	autoconf
BuildRequires:	tetex >= 1.0.7
BuildRequires:	texinfo-texi2dvi
BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
Conflicts:	gnustep-core

%define         _prefix         /usr/lib/GNUstep
%define		gsos		linux-gnu
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define		gscpu		ix86
# also s/alpha.*/alpha/, but we use only "alpha" arch for now
%define		gscpu		%{_target_cpu}

This package contains the basic tools needed to run GNUstep

%description -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera podstawowe narz?ia potrzebne do uruchamiania
aplikacji GNUstep.

%package devel
Summary:	Files needed to develop applications with gnustep-make
Summary(pl):	Pliki potrzebne do tworzenia aplikacji przy u?yciu gnustep-make
Group:		Development/Tools
Requires:	%{name} = %{version}

%description devel
The makefile package is a simplistic, powerful and extensible way to
write makefiles for a GNUstep-based project. It allows the user to
write a GNUstep-based project without having to deal with the complex
issues associated with the configuration and installation of the core
GNUstep libraries. It also allows the user to easily create
cross-compiled binaries.

%description devel -l pl
Pakiet makefile jest prost?, wydajn? i rozszerzaln? metod? pisania
makefile'i do projekt?partych o GNUstep. Pozwala u?ytkownikowi na
tworzenie projekt? pomini?em skomplikowanych szczeg?
konfiguracji i instalacji podstawowych bibliotek GNUstep. Pozwala
tak?e ?atwo tworzy?roskompilowane binaria.

%setup -q

%configure --disable-flattened

%{__make} -C Documentation

%{__make} install \

%{__make} -C Documentation install \

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/profile.d
# Create profile files
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/profile.d/ << EOF
. %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/

cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/profile.d/GNUstep.csh << EOF
source %{_prefix}/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.csh

# not (yet?) supported by rpm-compress-doc
#find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation \
#	-type f ! -name '*.html' ! -name '*.css' | xargs gzip -9nf


if [ -d %{_prefix}/System/Makefiles -a ! -L %{_prefix}/System/Makefiles ]; then
	[ -d %{_prefix}/System/Library ] || install -d %{_prefix}/System/Library
	mv -f %{_prefix}/System/Makefiles %{_prefix}/System/Library
	ln -sf Library/Makefiles %{_prefix}/System/Makefiles
	echo 'Reinstall gnustep-make and gnustep-make-devel if some files are missing.' >&2

%doc ChangeLog
%attr(755,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/profile.d/
%attr(755,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/profile.d/GNUstep.csh

# GNUstep top-level
%dir %{_prefix}
%dir %{_prefix}/System

# System domain
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library
# compatibility symlink
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Tools

# System/Library folder
%docdir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles

%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/Developer
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/Developer/Make
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/User
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/info
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/man

%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/config.*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/*.sh
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/*.csh
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/%{gscpu}
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/user_home
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/which_lib

%files devel
%docdir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation

%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/install-sh
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/mkinstalldirs

%define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>

$Log: gnustep-make.spec,v $
Revision 1.21  2003/07/19 23:54:22  qboosh
- up to 1.7.1 (warning: GNUstep filesystem hierarchy has changed)
- removed obsolete acfix patch
- moved devel docs to -devel

Revision 1.20  2003/05/26 16:25:04  malekith
- massive attack: adding Source-md5

Revision 1.19  2003/05/25 05:48:20  misi3k
- massive attack s/

Revision 1.18  2003/05/14 20:41:59  qboosh
- updated to 1.6.0, added acfix patch (stupid typo in

Revision 1.17  2003/03/02 21:06:14  qwark
- new version 0.8.4, removed old patches, it's ready for tests

Revision 1.16  2002/12/29 13:45:27  qboosh
- updated Vendor, release 1

Revision 1.15  2002/12/28 20:55:43  qboosh
- not only x86 now
- removed nonsense - this project doesn't use am/lt/gt
- added docs

Revision 1.14  2002/12/28 16:24:45  qboosh
- changed _prefix to some FHS-compliant (or maybe it should be /opt/GNUStep?)
- fixed missing dirs, some cleanups

Revision 1.13  2002/12/23 07:56:56  qwark
- update to 1.5.1 version add some "auto.." building. Changes need to be reviewed by someone else :)

Revision 1.12  2002/04/25 16:27:56  arturs
fixed a small typo

Revision 1.11  2002/02/23 02:17:47  kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.10  2002/02/22 23:29:00  kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
  Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.9  2002/01/18 02:13:10  kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"

Revision 1.8  2001/11/13 15:44:13  ankry
- updated to version 1.0.1
- fixed build, fixed paths
- commented out "--with_library-combo": where and how should the %%libcombo
  macro be defined ?

Revision 1.7  2001/09/28 08:57:56  qboosh
- pl translations; note: there is 1.0.1 on ftp

Revision 1.6  2001/05/02 16:29:04  qboosh
- adapterized and made spec %%debug ready or added using %%rpm*flags macros

Revision 1.5  2000/06/09 07:54:42  kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.4  2000/06/09 07:22:52  kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.3  2000/05/20 13:37:50  kloczek
- spec adapterized and partialy rewrited.

* Sat Sep 18 1999 Christopher Seawood <cls at>
- Version 0.6.0
- Added nodupsh patch

* Sat Aug 07 1999 Christopher Seawood <cls at>
- Updated to cvs dawn_6 branch

* Fri Jun 25 1999 Christopher Seawood <cls at>
- Split into separate rpm from gnustep-core
- Build from cvs snapshot
- Added services patch
-------------- next part --------------
# $Revision: 1.29 $, $Date: 2003/07/19 23:51:27 $
# Conditional build:
# _without_doc	- don't generate documentation (bootstrap build w/o gnustep-base)
Summary:	GNUstep Base library package
Summary(pl):	Podstawowa biblioteka GNUstep
Name:		gnustep-base
Version:	1.7.2
Release:	2
License:	LGPL/GPL
Group:		Libraries
# Source0-md5:	84e102171fd9852e76473c6c661a93f6
Source1:	%{name}.init
Patch0:		%{name}-link.patch
BuildRequires:	ffcall-devel
BuildRequires:	gcc-objc
BuildRequires:	gmp-devel
%{!?_without_doc:BuildRequires:	gnustep-base-devel >= 1.7.1}
%{!?_without_doc:BuildRequires: docbook-dtd41-sgml}
BuildRequires:	gnustep-make-devel >= 1.7.1
BuildRequires:	libxml2-devel >= 2.3.0
BuildRequires:	openssl-devel >= 0.9.7
BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
Requires(post,preun):	grep
Requires(post,preun):	/sbin/chkconfig
Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/ldconfig
Requires:	gnustep-make >= 1.7.1
# with gdomap in /etc/services
Requires:	setup >= 2.4.3
Conflicts:	gnustep-core
BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)

%define         _prefix         /usr/lib/GNUstep

%define		libcombo	gnu-gnu-gnu
%define		gsos		linux-gnu
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define		gscpu		ix86
# also s/alpha.*/alpha/, but we use only "alpha" arch for now
%define		gscpu		%{_target_cpu}

The GNUstep Base Library is a library of general-purpose,
non-graphical Objective C objects. For example, it includes classes
for strings, object collections, byte streams, typed coders,
invocations, notifications, notification dispatchers, moments in time,
network ports, remote object messaging support (distributed objects),
event loops, and random number generators.

%description -l pl
Podstawowa biblioteka GNUstep jest bibliotek? innych ni? graficzne
obiekt?g?go przeznaczenia dla Objective C. Zawiera np. klasy dla
string?kolekcji, strumieni, koder?yp?powiadamiania, port?ieci, obiekt?ozproszonych, p?i zdarze?enerator?iczb

%package devel
Summary:	GNUstep Base headers
Summary(pl):	Pliki nag??we podstawowej biblioteki GNUstep
Group:		Development/Libraries
Requires:	%{name} = %{version}
Requires:	ffcall-devel
Requires:	gcc-objc
Requires:	gmp-devel
Requires:	gnustep-make-devel >= 1.7.1
Requires:	libxml2-devel
Requires:	zlib-devel
Conflicts:	gnustep-core

%description devel
Header files required to build applications against the GNUstep Base

%description devel -l pl
Pliki nag??we potrzebne do budowania aplikacji u?ywaj?cych
podstawowej biblioteki GNUstep.

%setup -q
%patch -p1

. %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/

%{__make} \

%if %{?_without_doc:0}%{!?_without_doc:1}
# requires already installed gnustep-base
%{__make} -C Documentation
%{__make} -C Documentation/manual

. %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/
%{__make} install \

%if %{?_without_doc:0}%{!?_without_doc:1}
%{__make} -C Documentation install \
%{__make} -C Documentation/manual install \
# not (yet?) supported by rpm-compress-doc
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation \
	-type f -a ! -name '*.html' -a ! -name '*.gz' | xargs gzip -9nf

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}
sed -e "s!@TOOLSARCHDIR@!%{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}!" %{SOURCE1} \
	> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/gnustep

echo 'GMT' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/NSTimeZones/localtime


umask 022
if ! grep -q '%{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}' \
    /etc/ ; then
	echo "%{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}" >> /etc/
/sbin/chkconfig --add gnustep
if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/gnustep ]; then
	/etc/rc.d/init.d/gnustep restart 1>&2
	echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/gnustep start\" to start gnustep services."

if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
	if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/gnustep ]; then
		/etc/rc.d/init.d/gnustep stop 1>&2
	/sbin/chkconfig --del gnustep

if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
	umask 022
	grep -v "^%{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}$" /etc/ \
		> /etc/
	mv -f /etc/ /etc/

%triggerpostun -- gnustep-base < 1.7.0
umask 022
grep -v "^%{_prefix}/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}$" /etc/ \
	> /etc/
mv -f /etc/ /etc/

%doc ChangeLog*
%attr(754,root,root) %{_initrddir}/gnustep

%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Bundles/SSL.bundle
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Bundles/SSL.bundle/%{gscpu}


%docdir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation
%if 0%{!?_without_doc:1}
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/Developer/Base
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation/man/man8

%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/DTDs

%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base
%lang(fr) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/French.lproj
%lang(de) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/German.lproj
%lang(it) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Italian.lproj
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages
%lang(nl) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/Dutch
%lang(fr) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/French
%lang(de) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/German
%lang(it) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/Italian
%lang(ru) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/Russian
%lang(sk) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/Slovak
%lang(uk) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/Languages/UkraineRussian
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/NSTimeZones
%config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/Resources/gnustep-base/NSTimeZones/localtime

%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Library/Libraries/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}/lib*.so.*

%dir %{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}
# is suid necessary here??? it runs as daemon...
#%attr(4755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/gdomap
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/gdomap
%dir %{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_prefix}/System/Tools/%{gscpu}/%{gsos}/%{libcombo}/*

%files devel
%if 0%{!?_without_doc:1}
%docdir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Documentation


%dir %{_prefix}/System/Library/Makefiles/Additional

%define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>

$Log: gnustep-base.spec,v $
Revision 1.29  2003/07/19 23:51:27  qboosh
- updated to 1.7.1
- moved .init from spec here-document to Source1
- moved devel docs to -devel

Revision 1.28  2003/05/26 16:25:04  malekith
- massive attack: adding Source-md5

Revision 1.27  2003/05/25 05:48:19  misi3k
- massive attack s/

Revision 1.26  2003/05/14 20:40:45  qboosh
- up to 1.6.0, updated link patch

Revision 1.25  2003/03/02 21:08:09  qwark
 - new version 1.5.2 - ready for tests

Revision 1.24  2003/02/13 14:03:33  juandon
- force to use openssl >= 0.9.7, idea by kloczek

Revision 1.23  2003/01/27 08:40:22  qwark
 - fix in BR & init script

Revision 1.22  2002/12/31 17:11:56  qboosh
- fixed Group - the most important thing in package is library
- added missing -ldl in link patch

Revision 1.21  2002/12/29 13:44:35  qboosh
- License fix - libraries are LGPL, tools GPL
- added Requires list for -devel
- added doc (with bcond - requires gnustep-base already installed)
- release 1

Revision 1.20  2002/12/29 00:14:49  qboosh
- added link patch for correct linking on Linux
- BR: ffcall-devel (it's optional on x86, required on ppc)

Revision 1.19  2002/12/28 20:56:15  qboosh
- some work and cleanups - builds now

Revision 1.18  2002/12/23 09:33:54  qwark
- updated to 1.5.1 - not working yet -ac/am fix needed

Revision 1.17  2002/11/01 13:27:32  malekith
- fixed br's

Revision 1.16  2002/04/25 16:27:49  arturs
fixed a small typo

Revision 1.15  2002/02/23 02:17:46  kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.14  2002/02/22 23:29:00  kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
  Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.13  2002/01/18 02:13:09  kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"

Revision 1.12  2001/11/13 13:22:38  ankry
- patch0 obsolete, added BR, fixed paths

Revision 1.11  2001/09/28 12:21:43  marcus
- new version 1.0.2

Revision 1.10  2001/09/24 13:08:53  qboosh
- Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig
- pl translations
NOTE: %%install and %%files should be rewritten

Revision 1.9  2001/07/26 05:42:08  saq
- reverting last change: removing new macros from %p{re,ost}{,un}

Revision 1.7  2001/05/02 16:29:04  qboosh
- adapterized and made spec %%debug ready or added using %%rpm*flags macros

Revision 1.6  2000/12/09 17:55:14  jajcus
- file owners fixed (semi-automatically)
  (no special user (like http/news) should own his home directory nor
  files it doesn't create)

Revision 1.5  2000/06/09 07:54:41  kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.4  2000/06/09 07:22:52  kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.3  2000/05/20 13:37:50  kloczek
- spec adapterized and partialy rewrited.

* Sat Sep 18 1999 Christopher Seawood <cls at>
- Version 0.6.0
- Added unicode patch to make sure unicode headers were installed

* Sat Aug 07 1999 Christopher Seawood <cls at>
- Updated to cvs dawn_6 branch

* Fri Jun 25 1999 Christopher Seawood <cls at>
- Split into separate rpm from gnustep-core
- Build from cvs snapshot
- Added header patch
- Split into main & -devel packages

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