KDE and desktop locking

Marcin Król krol at wsb-nlu.edu.pl
Fri Nov 12 09:15:36 CET 2004

I should wrote this a long long time ago. As I remember, when I was 
using KDE on RA, after locking desktop and entering bad password, there 
was a dialog saying "Invalid password" or something similiar. Since I'm 
on AC, after entering bad password there is a dialog too, but saying: 
"Caonnot unlock session because authentication system failed to work. 
You must kill kdesktop_lock (pid 12345) manually". This information is 
misleading, as the authentication system _did not_ failed to work. It 
_worked ok_ and checked that password was invalid. Note about manually 
killing shouldn't be there too. I suspect bad pam return value 
comparison or something, but I'm not familiar enough with kde sources to 
fix it.


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