Giving up PLD for a while

Piotr Szymanski djurban at
Wed Oct 27 00:46:30 CEST 2004

I am giving up on PLD (will unsubscribe from devel-*,users-pl, discuss-pl and 
will only stay subscriebd to pld-cvs) for the next two months. 

The main reasons behind this is 
- lack of time to take care of packages (I will try to finish KDE 3.3.1 this 
- also i wanted to spend my free time on sth. different than making a 
distribution (finishing some articles i have started, also earn some money for 
an amd64, look deeper into mathematics) 
- and lastly making specs is not really the fun it used to be, i have a 
feeling that every KDE spec i make could be made by an automated script which 
makes feel kinda strange about doing them manually (well there is a template, 
all one need to fill in is short description name, version and url for 
source0/projects homepage).
Piotr Szymanski
djurban at
CS student at Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, 
Wroclaw University of technology, Poland

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