SPECS: fcron.spec - added more %post(), %pre() - added user cronta...

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk qrczak at knm.org.pl
Sat Sep 18 12:50:28 CEST 2004

Tomasz Pala <gotar at polanet.pl> writes:

>> IMO this policy is wrong.  What's the point?  Creating a fake impression
>> of having localizations?
> Giving a chance for people, who doesn't know english at all.

Since good translations are not distinguished from obsolete
translations, those who know both Polish and English are forced
to view English man pages only, or risk being misinformed.

E.g. Polish version of 'man ncurses' doesn't include the wide
character API. Polish version of 'man perl' refers to 31 more
detailed man pages, English version refers to 134 of them.

Some translations are not obsolete but simply misleading:

man waitpid, English version:

       The value of options is an OR of zero or more of the  fol­
       lowing constants:

              which  means  to return immediately if no child has

              which means to also return for children  which  are
              stopped  (but not traced), and whose status has not
              been reported.  Status for  traced  children  which
              are stopped is provided also without this option.

       (For Linux-only options, see below.)

[then a long description of other parts of the portable interface]

[finally, at the end: LINUX NOTES section, including Linux-specific
options; this is where that "see below" refers to]

man waitpid, Polish version:

       Wartość  options  jest  sumą  OR  zera  lub więcej spośród
       następujących stałych:

              oznacza  natychmiastowy  powrót  z  funkcji,  jeśli
              potomek nie zakończył pracy.

              oznacza zakończenie także dla zatrzymanych procesów
              potomnych,  których   stan   jeszcze   nie   został

       (Poniższe opcje dotyczą wyłącznie Linuksa.)

[then the translated long description of other parts of the portable
interface; but "poniższe" suggests that *this* part, immediately below,
is Linux-only, where in fact it's not]

[finally, at the end: translated LINUX NOTES]

   __("<         Marcin Kowalczyk
   \__/       qrczak at knm.org.pl
    ^^     http://qrnik.knm.org.pl/~qrczak/

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