SPECS: X11-driver-nvidia.spec - build requires kernel-source

Paweł Sakowski pawel at sakowski.eu.org
Tue Sep 28 15:21:44 CEST 2004

On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 13:27 +0200, Grzegorz 'Dzikus' Sterniczuk wrote:
> > Building a kernel module shouldn't require installing the entire kernel
> > source tree.
> I know but try to build without it.

Then don't break X11-driver-nvidia.spec, if you're aware of it. Fix
kernel.spec instead. Or, ask for help if you're unable to do it
yourself. Or, report a bug in kernel.spec in the appropriate place
(_not_ in X11-driver-nvidia.spec).

| Paweł Sakowski <pawel at sakowski.eu.org>            Never trust a man  |
|                            who can count up to 1023 on his fingers.  |

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