Vserver system + network + rc-scripts

romke romke at estrefa.pl
Tue Apr 19 12:12:13 CEST 2005

Hi, I was wondering about /etc/sysconfig/network option which will
allow vserver systems start services even when is_yes "$NETWORKING"
is false and there's no /var/lock/subsystem/networking...

As we all know (or we don't) vserver systems cannot manipulate with
interfaces - it's the host system job, so in vserver system there
should be:
NETWORKING=no in /etc/sysconfig/network

but then all services depending on NETWORKING will refuse to start.


INSIDE_VSERVER=yes in /etc/sysconfig/network

and aplying patch like:
  if is_yes "$NETWORKING"; then
+elif ! is_yes "$INSIDE_VSERVER"; then
      exit 1
to all /etc/rc.d/init.d/ scripts that have such networking check
would automate pld-inside-vserver system to bring up.
(also adding `if is_yes "$INSIDE_VSERVER"; then exit 1;' fi to
  all init.d scripts that shouldn't be run inside vserver - like
  random - would be good)

If you like idea then drop me a line, I'll try to make patch
rc-scripts-wide and add bcond with_vserver and fix some basic

romke Roman Barczyński  ~~~~  tel. +48 12 632 7365  ~~~~  www.romke.info
____________________________________________ JID/email: romke at estrefa.pl

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