[builder-ac-ppc@pld-linux.org: ERRORS: pnetlib.spec pnetC.spec ml-pnet.spec OK: pnet.spec]

Bartosz Taudul wolf.pld at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 18:39:06 CET 2005

On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 06:03:50PM +0100, Andrzej 'The Undefined' Dopierała wrote:
> summary:
> - pnetlib doesn't build with resgen from mono
> - nant doesn't build with resgen from pnet
> how resolve it? have you any ideas? (other than remove pnet)
Maybe rename pnet's resgen to, for example, pnet-resgen and make proper
patch for pnetlib to use it?

  Bartek   .  - Wzorek, jak doskonale zapomnieliście, 2 pi przez t.
  Taudul   :  
w o l f @ p l d - l i n u x . o r g            .:. http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/

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