SPECS (DEVEL): kdeutils.spec - removed icon

Bartosz Taudul wolf42 at wp.pl
Sun Jan 23 01:12:02 CET 2005

On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 12:57:55AM +0100, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> > Test what? Why builder is not working when there is Icon: field in spec
> test builder.
> > file (or something like that)? No. I can't see any use for icons, so it's
> It is.
> [ankry at kufel SPECS]$ rm ../SOURCES/{kde-utils.xpm,kdeutils-kdf-label.patch}
> [ankry at kufel SPECS]$ ./builder -g kdeutils.spec
> # $Revision: 1.139 $, $Date: 2004/12/12 23:10:04 $
> U kde-utils.xpm
> kdeutils-3.3.2.tar.bz2 having proper md5sum already exists
> U kdeutils-kdf-label.patch
> [ankry at kufel SPECS]$
> Once again: do you use a broken builder ?

[1:09 wolf at bajzel:~/rpm/SPECS]% cvs up -A builder
[1:09 wolf at bajzel:~/rpm/SPECS]% ./builder -U joe.spec
# $Revision: 1.65 $, $Date: 2004/08/31 17:26:47 $
[1:09 wolf at bajzel:~/rpm/SPECS]% grep Icon joe.spec
Icon:           joe.xpm
[1:09 wolf at bajzel:~/rpm/SPECS]% ls -l ../SOURCES/joe.xpm
ls: ../SOURCES/joe.xpm: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

Correct behavior:

[1:09 wolf at bajzel:~/rpm/SPECS]% ./builder -U oneko.spec
# $Revision: 1.13 $, $Date: 2004/07/04 14:52:19 $
--01:10:19--  http://agtoys.sourceforge.net/oneko/oneko-1.2.tar.gz
           => `oneko-1.2.tar.gz'
Translacja agtoys.sourceforge.net...
Łączenie się z agtoys.sourceforge.net[]:80... połączono.
Żądanie HTTP wysłano, oczekiwanie na odpowiedź... 200 OK
Długość: 56,353 [application/x-tar]

100%[====================================>] 56,353        29.76K/s

01:10:21 (29.70 KB/s) - `oneko-1.2.tar.gz' saved [56,353/56,353]

Updating source-0 md5.

> AFAIK it is used in graphic rpm frontends.
Name one of them.

  Bartek   .  - Oczywiście w wolnych chwilach domyślacie się, że Stefan to
  Taudul   :    nie imię Boltzmana, tylko nazwisko.
w o l f @ p l d - l i n u x . o r g            .:. http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/

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