zebra/quagga vs bind init priority

Tomasz Pala gotar at polanet.pl
Mon Jul 25 00:03:13 CEST 2005

I've just fixed rc-scripts.db.txt. There's a problem with bind and
current sequence:

14      named                   bind
15      zebra                   quagga/zebra

As named binds to IPs it finds at start up and there's no interfaces
before zebra is run it listens nowhere.
How about moving zebra to 13? I'm not sure about:

14      stund                   stun
14      stunnel                 stunnel
14      svscan                  daemontools
14      svscan                  freedt


15      rdate                   rdate(-bsd)

would be even happier with:

16      bgpd                    quagga/zebra
16      ospf6d                  quagga/zebra
16      ospfd                   quagga/zebra
16      ripd                    quagga/zebra
16      ripngd                  quagga/zebra

moved to the front. So my proposal:

13	zebra			q/z
15	bgp*/ospf*/rip*		q/z
16	rdate			rdate(-bsd)

GoTaR <priv0.onet.pl->gotar>        http://vfmg.sourceforge.net/

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