SPECS: mplayer.spec - epoch++

Michał Łukaszek prism at hornet.eu.org
Thu Mar 3 23:41:57 CET 2005

Dnia czwartek, 3 marca 2005 23:31, Paweł Gołaszewski napisał:

> > 1. only difference between pre6 and pre6a is some documentation files
> >    that even aren't included in PLD's packges (or I'm wrong?)

Well, I didn't check that, actually. My fault.

> > 2. if first number (allways 0) in release don't serve as "second epoch"
> >    for what is it ?!

I think I don't follow you. Could you make it clear to me?

> My change was rationale-only... Don't touch epoch when it's not needed...

I thought it was, rpm complained about a package built without an epoch bumped 
up (6->6a). I did consult that change with kosmo though, and that's why it 
commited that change.

PriSM (Michał Łukaszek)

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