SPECS (DEVEL): sqwebmail.spec - updated to 5.0.1, removed -build.p...

Elan Ruusamäe glen at delfi.ee
Mon Mar 21 18:33:32 CET 2005

On Monday 21 March 2005 19:07, Andrzej Augustynowicz wrote:
> Dnia sobota, 5 marca 2005 11:51, Elan Ruusamäe napisał:
> > please see horde.spec (imp.spec, chora.spec, ...) how to do
> > apache1/apache2 config changes, ie apache version independant package.
> >
> > probably should add the information to devel-hints-en ?
> Maybe it would be a good solution to run this section as trigger for
> apache1 and apache2 ?
> for example, you want to install apache1 when had a lot of php programs
> installed, and support will be auto added by triggers

you mean like:

%triggerin -- apache1 
[code that links config to apache1 + service restart]
%triggerun -- apache1
[code that unlinks config from apache1 + service restart]

%triggerin -- apache >= 2.0.0
[code that links config to apache2 + service restart]
%triggerun -- apache >= 2.0.0
[code that unlinks config from apache2 + service restart]

(version here because AFAIK apache1 also provides 'apache')

sounds cool, but
1. what the versions should be (to differenciate exactly between apache1 and 

2. triggerin/triggerun? or triggerpostun/triggerpreun?
the apache itself must be (already or still) installed at the time trigger is 

3. i had situation there i had multiple tirggers for package, and only one of 
the triggers was actually ran, altho the versions did match for two triggers

i had installed eventum 1.4-something
in eventum.spec there were two triggers:
%triggerpostun -- eventum < 1.5-0.240
%triggerpostun -- eventum < 1.5.1-0.257
i installed eventum-1.5.1-0.257 and only 1.5-0.240 trigger was called, the 
1.5.1-0.257 was not called.

i did rpmvercmp and all those 1.5 versions, and they bigger than installed 1.4 
version, so the triggers were done properly.


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