rpm changelog

Elan Ruusamäe glen at delfi.ee
Thu Apr 27 10:47:58 CEST 2006

On Thursday 27 April 2006 11:15, Jan Rekorajski wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2006, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> > hi
> >
> > i made patch to truncate changelog at build time [1].
> > the question is how many entries to limit the truncation, and should the
> > truncation setting be different for Ac and Th?
> At least 3 months worth, preferably half a year.
> You can't just cut it based on number of entries, because yo may get
> meaningless %changelog
  i was first thinking of making it understand cvs logs as changelog entry 
  but then there were questions, what to do with the real changelog entry 
  and the cvs revisions, how to display them 

  and another one that made final decision, the cvs commit logs aren't in 
chronological order when there was branch merge 
  so just truncating the message seemed the best choice 

and if you want complete changelog, you can always use cvsweb.

rpm 4.4.6 has this 
   char * t = rpmExpand("%{?_changelog_truncate}", NULL);
  but it's different behaviour 
  ie it's timestamp or number of entries :) 

#   Truncate changelogs to no. of entries or date.
#   <=0 disables
#   <1000   truncates to no. of entries
#   Otherwise, a get_date string (e.g. "2 years ago") may be entered,
#  and changelog entries older than that date will not be added to headers.
%_changelog_truncate    1 year ago

> Janek


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