SPECS: grub2.spec - builds for me too when switching to gawk

Przemyslaw Iskra sparky at pld-linux.org
Tue Dec 5 19:28:11 CET 2006

On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 07:23:33PM +0100, glen wrote:
> Author: glen                         Date: Tue Dec  5 18:23:33 2006 GMT
> Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
> ---- Log message:
> - builds for me too when switching to gawk

localized decimal separator issue ? but in such case
problem should appear with gawk, not mawk:

$ gawk 'BEGIN { A = 3; A = A / 2; printf A "\n"; }'
$ mawk 'BEGIN { A = 3; A = A / 2; printf A "\n"; }'
$ LC_ALL=C gawk 'BEGIN { A = 3; A = A / 2; printf A "\n"; }'
$ LC_ALL=C mawk 'BEGIN { A = 3; A = A / 2; printf A "\n"; }'

anyway, try exporting LC_ALL=C

 ____  Sparky{PI] -- Przemyslaw _  ___  _  _  ........... LANG...Pl..Ca..Es..En
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