[Fwd: bzr.spec - podbicie wersji do 0.10]

Tomasz Grobelny tomasz at grobelny.oswiecenia.net
Sun Sep 17 20:53:21 CEST 2006

Dnia Sunday, 17 of September 2006 19:05, Piotr Maciej Kabata napisał:
> Dnia 15-09-2006, pią o godzinie 00:12 +0200, Tomasz Wittner napisał(a):
> > (Polish proverb translated litterally at the request of mkochano ;)
>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> It is quote from Bible AFAIK
On pld lists it is safer to say that it is a Polish proverb (even if not 
exactly true) rather than quote the Bible. For the quote see Mt 7, 3-5 for 
example at http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mt%207&version=31
Tomasz Grobelny

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