SPECS (AC-branch): geninitrd.spec - seems like there is no switch_...

Marcin Król hawk at limanowa.net
Thu Feb 1 00:28:01 CET 2007

> so the question is, can we achieve the same (have geninitrd working in
> Ac) and having the same source for both Ac and Th?

I wrote it already on devel-pl and users-pl, but well, I'll write it
here too. Maybe it will give people messing with geninitrd some hints.
New geninitrd works very well with Ac but only if one will uncoment
INITRDFS=rom in /etc/sysconfig/geninitrd. Non romfs initrds will fail in
Ac with two messages: a) no /etc/fstab error b) switch_root error.


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