make-3.81 in AC

Pawel Golaszewski blues at
Thu Jul 5 10:04:33 CEST 2007

On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> could you explain or copy paste some log? as twittner (yours) request 
> failed, while mine (test and ready) succeeded. and your request as no 
> log at this time
> 42738. 2007.07.04 23:01:42 from twittner 60ffabe3-12f1-4d1c-8462-2c480e83e2a6, 2, upgrade
>  make-3.81-1.src.rpm (make.spec -R AC-branch ) [ac-i686:OK ac-i586:OK ac-i386:OK ac-athlon:OK ac-alpha:OK ac-sparc:OK ac-amd64:OK ac-ppc:OK]
> 42737. 2007.07.04 22:32:15 from twittner b11b97e0-1e2a-495b-88c0-e0b114b9efaa, 2, test-build
>  make-3.81-1.src.rpm (make.spec -R HEAD ) [ac-i686:FAIL ac-i586:FAIL ac-i386:FAIL ac-athlon:FAIL ac-alpha:FAIL ac-sparc:FAIL ac-amd64:FAIL ac-ppc:FAIL]

This is the reason.

pozdr.  Pawel Golaszewski          jid:blues<at>jabber<dot>gda<dot>pl
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