Re: [RFC] Repository layout change / Zmiana układu repo

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at
Sun May 13 21:58:06 CEST 2007

On 5/13/07, Radoslaw Zielinski <radek at> wrote:
> Jan Rekorajski <baggins at> [13-05-2007 20:20]:
> > We all know that CVS sucks, less for some (me included) and more for
> All version control systems suck.  CVS just sucks least for this kind of
> repository.


> > others.  But, if we want to switch to anything else, we have to change
> > the repository layout from flat SPECS/SOURCES to dir-per-package,
> > because any other CMS won't handle such layout (you can imagine how
> > would SVN repo look like - a ~milion directories, and GIT just doesn't
> > scale - I did a test on SPECS and got a monstrosity).
> This clearly shows problems with *other* VC systems.  There is no point
> in switching.  It would create more problems than it'd solve.

What are the problems? The so called "problems" are the rare
situations where you need to grep through ALL the spec files. This
could easily be solved by a tool like adapter, builder, recompile,
repackage and other scripts that are there just to help you in certain

Patryk Zawadzki
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