[Th] emerald.spec - up to 0.7.4, add missing BuildRequires

Pawel Golaszewski blues at pld-linux.org
Fri Apr 11 09:40:23 CEST 2008

On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, kiesiu wrote:
> The only available emerald version on ftp (Th) doesn't want to work well 
> with new compiz in th-test. In attachment I send a patch which upgrades 
> emerald spec file to 0.7.4 version and adds missing BuildRequires. It 
> works well. Please somebody with w+ access add this to CVS and if it's 
> possible send a STBR to th-test.

Well, I think this one should also make commits on it's own....


pozdr.  Paweł Gołaszewski          jid:blues<at>jabber<dot>gda<dot>pl
If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo, then Linux is Dolby
Pro-Logic Surround Sound with Bass Boost and all the music is free.

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