matchbox project

wrobell wrobell at
Mon Nov 3 21:24:57 CET 2008


i am struggling with matchbox a bit.

imho, it would be nice to integrate it on desktop level.

first, i would revert build conditionals and include startup notification,
session management and gconf functionality. this way it would be more
usable on desktop machine from the start (and easier to try this yoke).

i assume, that if somebody is going to build embedded system, then he will
recompile most of the software with some conditionals off, adding matchbox
on top of that does not make much of a difference.

then, i would like to add matchbox.desktop to matchbox-common.spec, so
gdm/kdm/whatever could allow an user to login into matchbox session.

i would remove matchbox-desktop and matchbox-panel packages from list of
installation requirements of matchbox-common (or change it "suggests").
matchbox-window-manager would stay. this way you don't have to install
stuff you sometimes don't need (i.e. you may want to replace panel and
desktop with awn or whatever).

that's all for now. any comments?

    wrobell <wrobell at>

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