PAE on i686 by default in TH

Piotr Budny piotr.budny at
Wed Feb 11 11:34:20 CET 2009

Dnia wtorek, 10 lutego 2009, Patryk Zawadzki napisał:
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Marcin Krol <hawk at> wrote:
> >> * 4GB is more and more common on consumer grade machines (heck, my
> >> not-so-now custom made laptop has 4GB)
> >
> > Yet with PAE single process still won't be able to allocate more than
> > ~3.2 gigs of RAM. So if someone really want to use more than 4 gigs of
> > memory x86_64 is way better choice.
> I don't need to alloc 4 gigs for a single process but that extra 0.8
> GB allows me to do my work without enabling swap.


> >> Proposed changes:
> >>
> >> * Reverse the pae bcond


> > Why not just build pae kernels like I do in Titanium for i686? Does it
> > have to be "kernel" instead of "kernel-pae"?
> I'm fine with that if there's at least nvidia module available.

+1, +VirtualBox


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