Resending tagged builds [Re: ERRORS: sblim-cmpi-base.spec]

Marcin Krol hawk at
Tue Jul 10 19:54:11 CEST 2012

> What do you mean by shouldn't fell. Script builder will fail if you run
> like: builder  -bs -Tp auto/th/ -tt .....
> and the auto tag generated from required revision already exist. It was
> the case in CVS, it is the case in git.

It will fail on git, it wasn't failing on CVS due to difference in 
return codes I've mentioned before. At least thats how it behave when I 
was setting up TLD git. On CVS ready builds using auto tags worked fine 
(without using -cf) and thats how they should work on git as well. 
Developers must be able to do:

./ -d th -r some.spec:auto/th/some-1.2

and get their packages built.


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