rpm 5.x in Th

Tomasz Pala gotar at polanet.pl
Sun Sep 23 23:50:32 CEST 2012

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 17:30:04 -0400, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:

>> Thus noone expect this to work or even exists.
> What am I, chopped liver?
> I said exactly that I do not expect --rollback to Just Work, with additional
> history/context information regarding the history/rationale on a Mancoosi WP3 mailing list
> when the decision was made to _NOT_ continue with the previous
> implementation of --rollback.

Blablabla - for the last time: I don't care. I don't know anyone who
cares. If you had no feedback for years, apparently no rpm user cares.
We are not talking about SUCH feature. If THIS doesn't work > /dev/null.

>>> I do not understand your distinction.
>>> How is --rollback to be performed if operations are
>>> only partially reversed?
>> cd /var/spool/repackage; ls | perl -ne 'use Time::Local; my ($mday,$mon,$year,$hour,$min,$sec) = split(/[\s.:]+/, "23.04.2012 12:00:00"); my $time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year); print if $_>=$time' | sort -r | while read dir; do rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --force $dir/*; done
> Hint: Your script is utterly useless when the clock isn't/wasn't correct.

1. do you still not understand this distinction?
2. do you know how package manager could restore packages now?
3. "when the disk isn't/wasn't working properly, every solution is utterly useless"
4. I've written this for this conversation as simplest demonstration of what is missing.

Tomasz Pala <gotar at pld-linux.org>

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