rpm5 (Re: rpm -Uhv --oldpackage loses configs)

Elan Ruusamäe glen at pld-linux.org
Wed Jun 8 14:25:42 CEST 2016

On 08.06.2016 15:03, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
> Similarly, why should*I*  (as the only active project developer0 use git when cvs is more than
> adequate for my own development purposes? GIT is great for large distributed active development
> projects, but all of “large”, “distributed” and “active” do not apply to the RPM5 project, so GIT is
> rather overkill.
> I’d also rather not hear the knee-jerk reply
> 	Well you have no active developers because you aren’t using GIT! GIT! GIT!
> See above: I_DID_  the CVS->GIT conversion and no member of the RPM5 project
> has bothered to even ask for access.
well. i will say exactly that!

because you use cvs and and you code contributions are simple as 
submitting PR from github, there are no interested parties submitting 
anything. and because website is outdated nobody even finds the project.

   submitting PR from github, he/she does not need  to be member of rpm5 

do not confuse team-member vs contributors.


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