rpm-5.4.16-0.20160321.src.rpm, take 3

Jeff Johnson n3npq at mac.com
Tue Mar 22 00:44:24 CET 2016

There is a 3rd snapshot release of rpm-5.4.16 now available at


This addresses the following issues:
    1) mongoc.h needed #include <stdarg.h> to rebuild with PLD configuration
    2) build with or without in "system.h"
        #define SUPPORT_I18NSTRING_TYPE 1

The tarball has
        #undef SUPPORT_I18NSTRING
which will display the Summary/Description/Group tags ifrom the header n the C locale aways,
and otherwise eliminates the RPM_I18NSTRING_TYPE interface.

The tarball has been checked by building with a lightly modified PLD rpm.spec file from here:


and examining the built package metadata content using

    rpm -qip *.rpm | more


     rpm -qp --yaml *.rpm | more

to ensure that Summary/Description/Group display (and were as expected) with or without

For PLD, you will need to
    1) patch system.h to add
            #define SUPPORT_I18NSTRING_TYPE 1
    2) don't apply the patch


73 de Jeff

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