[packages/glibc] - pl for -ld - more locale dirs: ce, chr, ht

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Oct 29 11:52:17 CET 2018

when you move lines, move comments as well...

On 10/28/18 5:51 PM, qboosh wrote:
>   %package ld
>   Summary:	Dynamic linker
> +Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Linker (konsolidator) dynamiczny
>   Group:		Applications/System
>   Requires:	uname(release) >= %{min_kernel}
> +# we want FHS being installed before ldconfig, altho they are both unrelated to each-other.
> +Requires:	FHS
> +Provides:	rtld(GNU_HASH)
>   # This is needed because previous package (glibc) had autoreq false and had
>   # provided this manually. Probably poldek bug that have to have it here.
> -Provides:	rtld(GNU_HASH)
>   Provides:	/sbin/ldconfig
>   Provides:	ldconfig = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
>   Obsoletes:	ldconfig < 6:2.28-6.1
> -# we want FHS being installed before ldconfig, altho they are both unrelated to each-other.
> -Requires:	FHS


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