INFO: poprawiony pam

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz misiek w
Wto, 20 Paź 1998, 11:36:24 CEST

Podsyłam poprawionego PAMa (spec + patch). Teraz bez problemu buduje się
z nie-roota (był problem z ldconfig) oraz w %doc ląduje pełna dokumentacja
w formacie html. Tyle poprawek.

 -< Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz >------------------------< Cron on IRC >-     mailto:misiek w
  Webmaster ZSZ2        
 -< Linux micq UIN: 13798733 >-----------< Starachowice, POLAND >-
-------------- następna część ---------
Summary:     Pluggable Authentication Modules: modular, incremental authentication
Summary:     Pluggable Authentication Modules: moduły autentukacji na PLD Tornado
Name:        pam
Version:     0.65
Release:     1d
Copyright:   GPL or BSD
Group:       Base
Source1:     other.pamd
Patch:	     %{name}-glibc.patch
Patch1:	     %{name}-pwdb.patch
Patch2:	     Linux-PAM-0.65.cast-ldconfig.diff
Buildroot:   /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
Requires:    cracklib, cracklib-dicts, pwdb 
Summary(de): Einsteckbare Authentifizierungsmodule: modulare, inkrementäre Authentifizierung
Summary(fr): PAM : Pluggable Authentication Modules: modular, incremental authentication
Summary(tr): Modüler, artýmsal dođrulama birimleri

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is a powerful, flexible,
extensible authentication system which allows the system administrator
to configure authentication services individually for every pam-compliant
application without recompiling any of the applications.

%description -l pl 
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) są doskonałym systemem autentykacji
pozwalającym administratorowi systemu na skonfigurowanie dowolnego serwisu
(kompilowanego ze wsparciem dla PAM), jak również określnie jakie osoby mogą
z nich korzystać. Pakiet ten zawiera podstawowe moduły autentykacji dla 
twojego i nigdy nie powinien być odinstalowany.

%description -l de
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) ist ein leistungsfähiges, flexibles
und erweiterbares Authentifizierungssystem, mit dem der Systemverwalter
Authentifizierungs-Dienste individuell für jede pam-kompatible
Anwendung konfigurieren kann, ohne diese neu kompilieren zu müssen.

%description -l fr
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) est un systéme d'authentification
puissant, souple et extensible permettant ŕ l'administrateur systčme de
configurer les individuellement les services d'authentification pour
chaque application conforme ŕ PAM, sans recompiler aucune application.

%description -l tr
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) sistem yöneticilerinin uygulamalardan
herhangi birini yeniden derlemeksizin bütün PAM uyumlu uygulamalar için
dođrulama hizmetlerini ayarlamalarýna yardýmcý olan, güclü, esnek ve kapsamlý
bir dođrulama sistemidir.

%package devel
Summary:     pam headers and static library
Summary(pl): Pliki nagłówkowe i biblioteka statyczna PAM
Requires:    %{name} = %{version}
Group:       Libraries

%description devel
PAM headers and static library for developers.

%description -l pl devel
Pliki nagłówkowe i biblioteka statyczna PAM.

%setup -q -n Linux-PAM-%{version}
%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1

rm -f default.defs
ln -s defs/redhat.defs default.defs

touch .freezemake
cd doc
make htmls


install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/{/usr/include/security,lib/security}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d
install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/other

# make sure the modules built...
[ -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/security/ ] || {
  echo "You have LITTLE or NOTHING in your /lib/security directory:"
  echo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/security/*
  echo ""
  echo "Fix it before you install this package, while you still can!"
  exit 1


%post -p /sbin/ldconfig

%defattr(644, root, root, 755)
%doc doc/html
%doc doc/specs/rfc86.0.txt
%attr(750, root, root) %dir /etc/pam.d
%config %verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/pam.d/other
%attr(755, root, root) /lib/*.so.*.*
%dir /sbin/pam_filter
%attr(711, root, root) /sbin/pam_filter/*
%attr(711, root, root) /sbin/pwdb_chkpwd
%attr(755, root, root) /lib/security/*
%attr(750, root, root) %dir /etc/security
%attr(640, root, root) %config %verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/security/*.conf

%files devel
%defattr(644, root, root, 755)
%attr(- , root, root) /lib/*.so
%dir /usr/include/security

* Mon Oct 19 1998 Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <misiek w>
- removed 2> from make but added Linux-PAM-0.65.cast-ldconfig patch
- corrected making of documentation
- removed ps and txt from documentation

* Tue Oct 06 1998 Wojtek Ślusarczyk <wojtek w>
- translation modified for pl,
- fixed files permissions,
- macro %%{name} in Source & Patch,
- buildroot moved to /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root,
- added devel subpackage,
- build from root's account,
- minor modifications of the spec file.

* Mon Jun 15 1998 Marcin Korzonek <mkorz w>
- updated to 0.65
- build against glibc 2.1.

* Fri Apr 24 1998 Prospector System <bugs w>

- translations modified for de, fr, tr

* Tue Mar 10 1998 Cristian Gafton <gafton w>
- updated to 0.64 for security reasons.
- handle correctly the buildroot

* Tue Oct 14 1997 Erik Troan <ewt w>
- updated alpha patch

* Fri Oct 04 1997 Cristian Gafton <gafton w>
- moved to 0.59preC, spec file cleaned up a little.

* Fri Oct 03 1997 Cristian Gafton <gafton w>
- moved to 0.59preB, some attempts to stabilize this thing...
- and finally found THE BUG !

* Wed Oct 01 1997 Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm w>
- Moved from .57 to .59, with slightly changed interfaces.
- Use a buildroot to avoid trashing build systems.

* Wed Oct 01 1997 Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm w>
- Fixed .rhosts security hole with multi-IP hosts.

* Mon Apr 21 1997 Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm w>
- Require a high enough version of pwdb

* Tue Apr 15 1997 Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm w>
- Moved from .56 to .57

* Thu Feb 27 1997 Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm w>
- Moved from .54 to .56, and from pam.conf to pam.d

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