second prerelease of LyX 1.0.1
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes w
Pon, 1 Mar 1999, 12:19:57 CET
>>>>> "Dzieko" == =?iso-8859-2?Q?Pawe=B3 Dzieko=F1ski?= <iso-8859-2> writes:
Dzieko> Thanks a lot. In attach final (with 'Build' commands) pl.po.gz
Dzieko> and splash-pl.lyx :^)
Thanks. I checked the files in, but I am not very sure about the the
preamble of the splash file. I think most of it should be removed:
Dzieko> \usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}
This can be selected from Layout->Document
Dzieko> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
This should not be here, since not everybody has T1 fonts
available. T1 fonts are automatically used as long as the ec fonts and
the correct LaTeX are found.
Dzieko> \usepackage{babel}
This is already done by Language=polish
Dzieko> \usepackage{indentfirst}
Not everybody has this package
Dzieko> \frenchspacing
Isn't this already done by the polish module of babel?
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