Still some bugs left...
Michal Margula
alchemyx w
Pon, 25 Gru 2000, 20:33:32 CET
[poniedziałek, 25 grudzień 2000], Sebastian Zagrodzki napisał(a):
> c) grub still doesn't understand "root=/dev/<device>" option with
> initrd enabled. (but I've already sent a bug-report to author)
and /dev/{vbi*,video*} are missing in %files section. I will not fix it - i
have no idea what owner and perms give them
Michal Margula, alchemyx w, ICQ UIN 12267440, +), PL section of Linux Counter maintainer
"W życiu piękne są tylko chwile." [Ryszard Riedel]
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