arpwatch doesn't work with current libpcap
Lukas Dobrek
dobrek w
Nie, 7 Sty 2001, 16:49:52 CET
> 1. pld-builder cvs module contains all necesary scripts
> 2. all i need is to install a stripped version of a system, using --root
> <dir> option (the list of packages should be taken from coinst/ directory
> (hm, well i have just rsync'ed part of PLD ftp site, and this directory is
> empty. Have those files moved?)
> 3. to do so i also need to create basic directory tree, just the way it is
> done before starting prowizorka when installing PLD (addbase)
> Does it sound ok? Do i need something more?
Only for your own use you probably dont need pld-builder. It is a package
which gives you a posibility to sends builld requests via email. In private
use you will only need lets say special user "builder". In fact
you dont need this user you can do it from normal accout but lets keep order.
User builder can be either in chroot either in normal
system with installed pld resources. Then (cvs get rpm) will create
the whole directory tree and start downlowding all SPECS. Stop it (^C) you dont need
all SPECS. Then (cd rpm) and (cvs get SOURCES) just to create neccesary directoris.
This ofcourse stop to (^C) you dont need all SOURCES as well.
The last thing what you need is a couple of scripts. Command (cd ~/rpm/SPECS)
followed by (cvs up builder getsrc) will download them.
Now if you want to build something you just need to start (./builder glibc.spec)
Thats all.
If you want to create chroot enviroment, you will probably need to do it
by hand. When you will finish pleace send heare resault of
(rpm --qa --queryformat "%{NAME}\n") then next time it will be simpler.
Best Regards
£ukasz Dobrek
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany
e-mail:dobrek w
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