budowanie pakitu octave i dziwny problem z grep

wrobell wrobell w ite.pl
Wto, 20 Lis 2001, 12:46:05 CET

On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 09:16:15AM +0100, Michal Kochanowicz wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 09:01:11AM +0100, Radoslaw Kintzi wrote:
> > Moze mi ktos powie, czym roznia sie ponizsze:
> >   grep  "[ 	]*[A-Z0-9_]*[ 	=]"
> >   egrep "[ 	]*[A-Z0-9_]*[ 	=]"
> >   grep  "[ 	]*([A-Z]|[0-9]|_)*[ 	=]"
>                   ^     ^     ^ ^
> grep tego nie rozumie. Potrzeba egrep albo grep -E.
z naszego manuala:

    Grep   understands  two   different   versions  of   regular
    expression  syntax: "basic"  and  "extended."  In GNU  grep,
    there  is no  difference  in  available functionality  using
    either  syntax.  In  other  implementations,  basic  regular
    expressions are  less power­ ful. The  following description
    applies to  extended regular expressions; differ­  ences for
    basic regular expressions are summarized afterwards.

    wrobell <wrobell w ite.pl>
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