SPECS: glibc.spec (HEAD)
wrobell w ite.pl
Nie, 14 Gru 2003, 19:03:22 CET
On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 06:38:29PM +0100, mmazur wrote:
> Module name: SPECS
> Changes by: mmazur 03/12/14 18:38:26
> Modified files:
> glibc.spec
> Log message:
> - rel 9;
> - by default require glibc-kernel-headers to build (killed generation of
> own glibc-kernel-headers of course). If not, one can try --with
> kernelheaders which will cause glibc to build using kernel-headers
> (doable only with 2.4 kernels).
> - Note: from now on we assume there can either be glibc-kernel-headers
> from glibc-kernel-headers.spec, or kernel-headers with appropriate
> links in /usr/include.
co z tymi co nie używają distro jajka?
wrobell <wrobell w ite.pl>
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