tak na fali propozycji nowych pakietów...
Adam Gołębiowski
adamg w biomerieux.pl
Śro, 12 Lut 2003, 14:40:17 CET
1. gierka dopewars - gdy jakiś czas temu sprawdzałem, nie było tego
jeszcze w specach.
2. fblogo - program, dzięki któremu można stworzyć logo fb wyświetlane
podczas startu systemu.
3. archivemail - próba (raczej nieudana) spakietowania skryptów pythona
- na ogień poszedł skrypt pomocny przy archiwizacji poczty.
Prócz tego próbuje coś zepsuć z LinuxGazette - początek speca
Jakiś czas temu podsyłałem te spece kloczkowi, później miałem chwilę
przerwy na życie, teraz znowu mogę się troszkę pobawić w 'specowanie'.
Co o tym sądzicie? Jeśli uznacie to za przydatne, to jakaś życzliwa
dusza mogłaby to wrzucić do cvs, jako, że nie posiadam rw.
http://www.mysza.eu.org/ | Everybody needs someone sure, someone true,
http://www.ipv6.mysza.eu.org/ | Everybody needs some solid rock, I know I do.
-------------- następna część ---------
# $Revision:$, $Date:$
Summary: Archive and compress old email.
Summary(pl): Archiwizuj i kompresuj starą pocztę.
Name: archivemail
Version: 0.6.1
Release: 1
URL: http://archivemail.sourceforge.net/
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Games
Source0: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/archivemail/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
BuildRequires: python, python-devel
Requires: python-modules
BuildArch: noarch
archivemail is a tool written in python(1) for archiving and
compressing old email in mailboxes.
It can move messages older than the specified number of days to a
separate 'archive' mbox-format mailbox that is compressed with 'gzip'.
For example, have you been subscribing to the 'linux-kernel' mailing
list for the last 6 years and ended up with an 160-meg mailbox that
'mutt' is taking a long time to load? 'archivemail' can move all
messages that are older than 6 months to a separate compressed
mailbox, and leave you with just the most recent messages.
It supports IMAP, Maildir, MH and mbox-format mailboxes.
%description -l pl
archivemail jest napisanym w python(1) narzędziem służącym
achiwizowaniu i kompresowaniu starej poczty.
Może przenieść wiadomości starsze niż określona liczba dni do
oddzielnej skrzynki w formacie mbox, która jest skompresowana przy
użyciu 'gzip'.
Przykładowo, od 6 lat byłeś zapisany na listę 'linux-kernel', i Twoja
skrzynka zajmuje już ponad 160 MiB, której otwarcie zajmuje trochę
czasu. 'archivemail' może przeniść wszystkie wiadmości powiedzmy
sprzed 6 miesięcy do oddzielnej, skompresowanej skrzynki, zostawiając
tylko najnowsze wiadomości.
'archivemail' wspiera skrzynki w formacie IMAP, Maildir, MH oraz mbox.
%setup -q
# Nothing to be done here.
./setup.py build
./setup.py install --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
# This one is ugly.
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}
mv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix}/man/man1 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix}/man
test "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/archivemail
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w pld.org.pl>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld.org.pl
-------------- następna część ---------
# $Revision:$, $Date:$
Summary: Drug dealing game
Name: dopewars
Version: 1.5.8
Release: 1
URL: http://dopewars.sourceforge.net/
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Games
Source0: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dopewars/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Patch0: %{name}-curses.patch
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
BuildRequires: SDL_mixer-devel, SDL-devel, esound-devel, ncurses-devel
Based on John E. Dell's old Drug Wars game, dopewars is a simulation
of an imaginary drug market. dopewars is an All-American game which
features buying, selling, and trying to get past the cops!
The first thing you need to do is pay off your debt to the Loan Shark.
After that, your goal is to make as much money as possible (and stay
alive)! You have one month of game time to make your fortune.
dopewars supports multiple players via. TCP/IP. Chatting to and
fighting with other players (computer or human) is supported; check
the command line switches (via dopewars -h) for further information.
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
# not sure if these are really needed
%configure \
# configure script doesn't look for SDL/SDL_mixer.h in /usr/X11R6/include/
# --with-sdl
%{__make} install DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%find_lang %{name}
# I think this could be done somehow prettier
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_applnkdir}/Games
mv -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/share/gnome/apps/Games/dopewars.desktop ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_applnkdir}/Games
test "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%{_bindir}/dopewars -C %{_datadir}/dopewars.sco
%files -f %{name}.lang
%doc ChangeLog LICENCE README doc/aiplayer.html doc/clientplay.html
%doc doc/configfile.html doc/contribute.html doc/credits.html
%doc doc/developer.html doc/example-cfg doc/i18n.html doc/index.html
%doc doc/installation.html doc/metaserver.html doc/server.html
%doc doc/servercommands.html doc/protocol.html doc/windows.html
%attr(2755,root,games) %{_bindir}/dopewars
%attr(0660,root,games) %config %{_datadir}/dopewars.sco
%dir %{_datadir}/dopewars/
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w pld.org.pl>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld.org.pl
-------------- następna część ---------
# $Revision:$, $Date:$
Summary: Create your own fblogo showed on system start.
Summary(pl): Stwórz własne logo wyświetlane podczas startu systemu.
Name: fblogo
Version: 0.5.0
Release: 1
URL: http://freakzone.net/gordon/src
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Console
Source0: http://freakzone.net/gordon/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Patch0: %{name}-Makefile.patch
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
BuildRequires: libpng
With this program, you can convert your favourite image to framebuffer
logo, which you can apply to your kernel sources then.
%description -l pl
Korzystając z tego programu, możesz skonwertować ulubiony obrazek
na logo framebuffera.
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man1
%{__make} install DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w pld.org.pl>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld.org.pl
-------------- następna część ---------
# $Revision:$, $Date:$
Summary: LinuxGazette.
Name: lg
Version: 86
Release: 1
URL: http://www.linuxgazette.org/
License: distributable
Group: Documentation
Source0: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue01to08.tar.gz
Source1: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue09.tar.gz
Source2: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue10.tar.gz
Source3: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue11.tar.gz
Source4: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue12.tar.gz
Source5: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue13.tar.gz
Source6: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue14.tar.gz
Source7: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue15.tar.gz
Source8: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue16.tar.gz
Source9: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue17.tar.gz
Source10: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue18.tar.gz
Source11: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue19.tar.gz
Source12: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue20.tar.gz
Source13: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue21.tar.gz
Source14: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue22.tar.gz
Source15: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue23.tar.gz
Source16: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue24.tar.gz
Source17: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue25.tar.gz
Source18: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue26.tar.gz
Source19: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue27.tar.gz
Source20: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue28.tar.gz
Source21: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue29.tar.gz
Source22: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue30.tar.gz
Source23: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue31.tar.gz
Source24: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue32.tar.gz
Source25: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue33.tar.gz
Source26: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue34.tar.gz
Source27: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue35.tar.gz
Source28: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue36.tar.gz
Source29: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue37.tar.gz
Source30: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue38.tar.gz
Source31: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue39.tar.gz
Source32: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue40.tar.gz
Source33: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue41.tar.gz
Source34: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue42.tar.gz
Source35: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue43.tar.gz
Source36: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue44.tar.gz
Source37: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue45.tar.gz
Source38: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue46.tar.gz
Source39: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue47.tar.gz
Source40: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue48.tar.gz
Source41: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue49.tar.gz
Source42: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue50.tar.gz
Source43: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue51.tar.gz
Source44: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue52.tar.gz
Source45: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue53.tar.gz
Source46: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue54.tar.gz
Source47: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue55.tar.gz
Source48: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue56.tar.gz
Source49: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue57.tar.gz
Source50: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue58.tar.gz
Source51: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue59.tar.gz
Source52: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue60.tar.gz
Source53: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue61.tar.gz
Source54: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue62.tar.gz
Source55: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue63.tar.gz
Source56: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue64.tar.gz
Source57: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue65.tar.gz
Source58: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue66.tar.gz
Source59: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue67.tar.gz
Source60: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue68.tar.gz
Source61: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue69.tar.gz
Source62: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue70.tar.gz
Source63: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue71.tar.gz
Source64: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue72.tar.gz
Source65: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue73.tar.gz
Source66: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue74.tar.gz
Source67: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue75.tar.gz
Source68: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue76.tar.gz
Source69: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue77.tar.gz
Source70: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue78.tar.gz
Source71: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue79.tar.gz
Source72: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue80.tar.gz
Source73: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue81.tar.gz
Source74: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue82.tar.gz
Source75: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue83.tar.gz
Source76: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue84.tar.gz
Source77: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue85.tar.gz
Source78: ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/%{name}-issue86.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
BuildArch: noarch
%package issue01to10
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 01 to 10.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 1 do 10.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue11to20
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 11 to 20.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 11 do 20.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue21to30
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 21 to 30.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 21 do 30.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue31to40
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 31 to 40.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 31 do 40.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue41to50
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 41 to 50.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 41 do 50.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue51to60
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 51 to 60.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 51 do 60.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue61to70
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 61 to 70.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 61 do 70.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue71to80
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 71 to 80.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 71 do 80.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
%package issue81to90
Summary: LinuxGazette - issues 81 to 90.
Summary(pl): LinuxGazette - wydania od 81 do 90.
Version: 1
Group: Documentation
Dummy package.
%description issue01to10
This package contains first ten issues of LinuxGazette.
%description issue01to10 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera pierwsze dziesięć wydań LinuxGazette.
%description issue11to20
This package contains issues from 11 to 20 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue11to20 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 11 do 20 LinuxGazette.
%description issue21to30
This package contains issues from 21 to 30 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue21to30 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 21 do 30 LinuxGazette.
%description issue31to40
This packages contains issues from 31 to 40 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue31to40 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 31 do 40 LinuxGazette.
%description issue41to50
This packages contains issues from 41 to 50 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue41to50 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 41 do 50 LinuxGazette.
%description issue51to60
This packages contains issues from 51 to 60 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue51to60 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 51 do 60 LinuxGazette.
%description issue61to70
This packages contains issues from 61 to 70 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue61to70 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 61 do 70 LinuxGazette.
%description issue71to80
This packages contains issues from 71 to 80 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue71to80 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 71 do 80 LinuxGazette.
%description issue81to90
This packages contains issues from 81 to 90 of LinuxGazette.
%description issue81to90 -l pl
Ten pakiet zawiera wydania od 81 do 90 LinuxGazette.
%setup -q -n lg/issue01to08
%setup -q -b 1 -n lg/issue09
%setup -q -b 2 -n lg/issue10
%setup -q -b 3 -n lg/issue11
%setup -q -b 4 -n lg/issue12
%setup -q -b 5 -n lg/issue13
%setup -q -b 6 -n lg/issue14
%setup -q -b 7 -n lg/issue15
%setup -q -b 8 -n lg/issue16
%setup -q -b 9 -n lg/issue17
%setup -q -b 10 -n lg/issue18
%setup -q -b 11 -n lg/issue19
%setup -q -b 12 -n lg/issue20
%setup -q -b 13 -n lg/issue21
%setup -q -b 14 -n lg/issue22
%setup -q -b 15 -n lg/issue23
%setup -q -b 16 -n lg/issue24
%setup -q -b 17 -n lg/issue25
%setup -q -b 18 -n lg/issue26
%setup -q -b 19 -n lg/issue27
%setup -q -b 20 -n lg/issue28
%setup -q -b 21 -n lg/issue29
%setup -q -b 22 -n lg/issue30
%setup -q -b 23 -n lg/issue31
%setup -q -b 24 -n lg/issue32
%setup -q -b 25 -n lg/issue33
%setup -q -b 26 -n lg/issue34
%setup -q -b 27 -n lg/issue35
%setup -q -b 28 -n lg/issue36
%setup -q -b 29 -n lg/issue37
%setup -q -b 30 -n lg/issue38
%setup -q -b 31 -n lg/issue39
%setup -q -b 32 -n lg/issue40
%setup -q -b 33 -n lg/issue41
%setup -q -b 34 -n lg/issue42
%setup -q -b 35 -n lg/issue43
%setup -q -b 36 -n lg/issue44
%setup -q -b 37 -n lg/issue45
%setup -q -b 38 -n lg/issue46
%setup -q -b 39 -n lg/issue47
%setup -q -b 40 -n lg/issue48
%setup -q -b 41 -n lg/issue49
%setup -q -b 42 -n lg/issue50
%setup -q -b 43 -n lg/issue51
%setup -q -b 44 -n lg/issue52
%setup -q -b 45 -n lg/issue53
%setup -q -b 46 -n lg/issue54
%setup -q -b 47 -n lg/issue55
%setup -q -b 48 -n lg/issue56
%setup -q -b 49 -n lg/issue57
%setup -q -b 50 -n lg/issue58
%setup -q -b 51 -n lg/issue59
%setup -q -b 52 -n lg/issue60
%setup -q -b 53 -n lg/issue61
%setup -q -b 54 -n lg/issue62
%setup -q -b 55 -n lg/issue63
%setup -q -b 56 -n lg/issue64
%setup -q -b 57 -n lg/issue65
%setup -q -b 58 -n lg/issue66
%setup -q -b 59 -n lg/issue67
%setup -q -b 60 -n lg/issue68
%setup -q -b 61 -n lg/issue69
%setup -q -b 62 -n lg/issue70
%setup -q -b 63 -n lg/issue71
%setup -q -b 64 -n lg/issue72
%setup -q -b 65 -n lg/issue73
%setup -q -b 66 -n lg/issue74
%setup -q -b 67 -n lg/issue75
%setup -q -b 68 -n lg/issue76
%setup -q -b 69 -n lg/issue77
%setup -q -b 70 -n lg/issue78
%setup -q -b 71 -n lg/issue79
%setup -q -b 72 -n lg/issue80
%setup -q -b 73 -n lg/issue81
%setup -q -b 74 -n lg/issue82
%setup -q -b 75 -n lg/issue83
%setup -q -b 76 -n lg/issue84
%setup -q -b 77 -n lg/issue85
cd ..
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_defaultdocdir}/LinuxGazette
cp -ar * $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_defaultdocdir}/LinuxGazette
test "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%files issue01to10
%files issue11to20
%files issue21to30
%files issue31to40
%files issue41to50
%files issue51to60
%files issue61to70
%files issue71to80
%files issue81to90
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w pld.org.pl>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld.org.pl
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-devel-pl