[HEAD] [ALPHA] xemacs.spec

Przemysław Stanisław Knycz zolw w wombb.edu.pl
Sob, 19 Lip 2003, 10:55:26 CEST

make[1]: Entering directory
`/home/users/builder/rpm/BUILD/xemacs-21.4.12/src'./xemacs -nd -batch -l
Error before initialization is complete! Fatal error: assertion failed,
file eval.c, line 1880, abort()

  if (!initialized)
      /* who knows how much has been initialized?  Safest bet is
         just to bomb out immediately. */
      /* let's not use stderr_out() here, because that does a bunch of
         things that might not be safe yet. */
      fprintf (stderr, "Error before initialization is complete!\n");
      abort (); 

No ok przerywa inicjalizację - ktoś wie dlaczego ?

 .mailto p r z e m y s l a w at k n y c z dot n e t.
| Przemysław "djrzulf" Knycz, djrzulf w jabber.gda.pl |
| Net/Sys Administrator, PLD Developer, RLU: 213344 |
`- To see tomorrow's PC, look at today's Macintosh -'

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