tix się przestał budować (bo zmianach na tcl.spec) ...
Przemysław Stanisław Knycz
zolw w wombb.edu.pl
Sob, 17 Maj 2003, 22:30:15 CEST
gcc -pipe -rdynamic tixAppInit.o
-L/home/users/builder/rpm/BUILD/tix-8.1.4/unix/tk8.3 -ltix8.1.8.3
-L/usr/lib -ltk8.3 -L/usr/lib -ltcl8.3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -ldl -lm
\ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib -o tixwish
tixAppInit.o(.text+0x18): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `Tcl_CreateInterp'
tixAppInit.o(.text+0x6e): In function `Tcl_AppInit':
: undefined reference to `Tcl_Init'
tixAppInit.o(.text+0xaa): In function `Tcl_AppInit':
: undefined reference to `Tcl_StaticPackage'
tixAppInit.o(.text+0xde): In function `Tcl_AppInit':
: undefined reference to `Tcl_StaticPackage'
/usr/lib/libtk8.3.so: undefined reference to `Tcl_DeleteInterp'
/usr/lib/libtk8.3.so: undefined reference to `Tcl_GetStdChannel'
/usr/lib/libtk8.3.so: undefined reference to `Tcl_GetChannel'
/usr/lib/libtk8.3.so: undefined reference to `Tcl_GetObjType'
etc :)
.mailto p r z e m y s l a w at k n y c z dot n e t.
| Przemysław "djrzulf" Knycz, djrzulf w jabber.gda.pl |
| Net/Sys Administrator, PLD Developer, RLU: 213344 |
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