SPECS (DEVEL): tetex.spec - %%files updated (NFY)

Andrzej Krzysztofowicz ankry w green.mif.pg.gda.pl
Pon, 13 Gru 2004, 10:29:35 CET

wiget wrote:
> +%package fonts-eulervm
> +Summary:	The Virtual Euler Math fonts
> +Group:		Fonts
> +Requires(post,postun):	/usr/bin/texhash

A co z sugerowanym uniezaleznieniem fontow od tetexa ?

(Inna sprawa: po co to R:, skoro skryptow %post/%postun nie ma...)

  Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz               ankry w mif.pg.gda.pl
  phone (48)(58) 347 14 61
Faculty of Applied Phys. & Math.,   Gdansk University of Technology

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