Jakub Bogusz
qboosh w
Sob, 28 Lut 2004, 19:52:11 CET
License: freely distributable (Copyright (c) 1995,1996 NEC Corporation)
w źródłach:
3. You may not copy and distribute the Software nor any of its derivatives in
whole or in part unless:
a) the distribution is limited to your internal business;
b) the copyright notice and this list of conditions appear on all copies;
c) no charge is associated with the distribution of such copies; and
d) NEC USA retains exclusive ownership of the Software.
W License nie było też wzmianki o wykorzystywaniu tylko non-commercial.
Speca zaraz sam poprawię, ale na distfiles leży socks5-v1.0r10.tar.gz .
Jakub Bogusz
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