gnome-applet-lock-keys.spec -- do przejżenia
Tomasz Pala
gotar w
Pon, 5 Sty 2004, 13:46:32 CET
On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 13:35:49 +0100, Łukasz 'Shufla' Nowak wrote:
> Załączam dość przydatny aplet do gnome2. Proszę przejżeć speca, jak
> zawsze sflejmować i może dodać. ;) Nie jestem pewny BuildRequires, być
%define _realname lock-keys-applet
tu zamiast spacji taby
Summary: Show status of your lock key leds.
Summary(pl): Pokazuje status diód klawiatury.
bez kropek na końcu
Lock keys applet is a gnome2 applet, that shows the status of the CAPS-, NUM- and SCROLL-Lock keys of your keyboard. This isn't especially usefull for normal keyboards, as they got leds for that. But some keyboards (especially wireless keyboards) don't have. One more feature of the applet is that it saves the status of the lock-keys and restores it, when starting gnome2.
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