festival w ac.

Piotr Szymański djurban w it-zone.org
Śro, 9 Cze 2004, 10:45:15 CEST

Problemy z festivalem 1.4.2 z ac (1.4.4 z HEAD nic nie mowi tylko wali siga).

[djurban w djurban][10:31:45](~)$ festival
Festival Speech Synthesis System 1.4.2:release July 2001
Copyright (C) University of Edinburgh, 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
For details type `(festival_warranty)'
festival> help
"The Festival Speech Synthesizer System: Help

Getting Help
  (doc '<SYMBOL>)   displays help on <SYMBOL>
  (manual nil)      displays manual in local netscape
  C-c               return to top level
  C-d or (quit)     Exit Festival
(If compiled with editline)
  M-h               desplays help on current symbol
  M-s               speaks help on current symbol
  M-m               displays relevant manula page in local netscape
  TAB               Command, symbol and filename completion
  C-p or up-arrow   Previous command
  C-b or left-arrow Move back one character
  C-f or right-arrow
                    Move forward one character
  Normal Emacs commands work for editing command line

Doing stuff
  (SayText TEXT)      Synthesize text, text should be surrounded by
                      double quotes
  (tts FILENAME nil)  Say contexts of file, FILENAME should be
                      surrounded by double quotes
  (voice_rab_diphone) Select voice (Britsh Male)
  (voice_ked_diphone) Select voice (American Male)
festival> (voice_rab_diphone)
festival> (SayText "Hello")
festival: error while loading shared libraries: festival: undefined symbol: 
[djurban w djurban][10:33:00](~)$ c++filt _ZN13EST_Utterance8relationEPKci
EST_Utterance::relation(char const*, int)
[djurban w djurban][10:33:07](~)$

Funkcja ta powinna byc w speech_tools skoro jej nie ma tzn. ze albo ktos nie 
przebudowal festivala na nowym speech_tools, albo cos jest nie teges. 
W kazdym razie sprobuje najpierw przebudowac festivala w ac a jesli po tym 
bedzie walil sigi, to trzeba bedzie cofnac speech-tools do wczesniejszej 
Piotr Szymański
djurban w pld-linux.org

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