kernel dystrybucyjny vs. cifs

Andrzej Zawadzki zawadaa w
Pią, 21 Maj 2004, 08:40:57 CEST

Tomasz Mateja wrote:
> On Thu, 20 May 2004, Krzysztof Kr?likowski wrote:
>>[root w x86 krzysiek]# modprobe cifs
>>[root w x86 krzysiek]#/mmount.cifs //klaster001\S /mnt/piotrek/ -o
>                                               ^^^   
>>Mounting the DFS root for a particular server not implemented yet
>>mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system
>>Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs)
> [root w tommat root]# mount -t cifs //ghost/images /mnt/samba/ -o 
> username=tommat,domain=NT1
> Password: 
> [root w fdgltommat root]# 

ghost to samba czy win?

Andrzej Zawadzki

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