sperl, oraz openwebmail

Radoslaw Zielinski radek w karnet.pl
Pon, 1 Lis 2004, 11:38:09 CET

Michał Łukaszek <prism w hornet.eu.org> [01-11-2004 00:07]:
> Czy link suidperl nie powinien przypadkiem wskazywać na sperl5.8.5 ?
> IMO tak, ale nawet po zmianie powyższego przy próbie dotknięcia 

Twoja O jest błędna.  perl584delta:

  =head2 suidperl less insecure

  Paul Szabo has analysed and patched C<suidperl> to remove existing known
  insecurities. Currently there are no known holes in C<suidperl>, but
  previous experience shows that we cannot be confident that these were the
  last. You may no longer invoke the set uid perl directly, so to preserve
  backwards compatibility with scripts that invoke #!/usr/bin/suidperl
  the only set uid binary is now C<sperl5.8.>I<n> (C<sperl5.8.4> for
  this release). C<suidperl> is installed as a hard link to C<perl>;
  both C<suidperl> and C<perl> will invoke C<sperl5.8.4> automatically
  the set uid binary, so this change should be completely transparent.

  For new projects the core perl team would strongly recommend that you use
  dedicated, single purpose security tools such as C<sudo> in preference
  to C<suidperl>.

Sugestia na przyszłość: przed wyrobieniem sobie opinii odrób zadanie
domowe. :->

Radosław Zieliński <radek w karnet.pl>
[ GPG key: http://radek.karnet.pl/ ]
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