SOURCES: udev.conf - synthesize added
Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki
patrys w
Sob, 22 Paź 2005, 18:52:38 CEST
Dnia 22-10-2005, sob o godzinie 18:21 +0200, freetz napisał(a):
> Author: freetz Date: Sat Oct 22 16:21:07 2005 GMT
> Module: SOURCES Tag: HEAD
> ---- Log message:
> - synthesize added
> # The syslog(3) priority: "err", "info", or the numerical value.
> udev_log="err"
> +
> +#
> +# Initial hotplug synthesizing method. Possible values:
> +# udevstart (default) or udevsynthesize (new).
> +#
> +# udevsynthesize gets all available devices from sysfs and synthesizes the
> +# events these devices would have generated at creation time.
> +# The events are directly passed to the udevd daemom socket. udevd does all the
> +# work and runs all the events asynchronously. udevsynthesize itself does
> +# not read any udev rule.
> +#
> +# It scans block and class devices to create the the device nodes for already
> +# available devices, which obsoletes the run of udevstart.
> +#
> +# After that, it scans for bus devices, which events may load modules or
> +# configure the device. If the bus type is known, the usual bus-specific
> +# values are added to the event environment.
> +#
> +UDEV_STARTER="udevstart"
Może warto dodać info, że synthesize jest podatne na race conditions?
Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki <patrys w>
PLD Linux
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