INFO: th-i486 - looking for a new home for a builder

Arkadiusz Miskiewicz arekm w
Nie, 31 Gru 2006, 14:50:33 CET


Th production builders are currently on-hold due to missing th-i486 machine 
(we lost it unfortunately). Only test builds are allowed at this moment.

We are looking for a new machine for th-i486  builder purposes, something 
- x86 or x86_64
- 2GHz
- 1GB ram
- scsi disks
- 20GB hdd space
- 1Mbps internet
- operational 24h
- small load average

If you have such resorce (better or worse) then contact me.

ps. builder is a one unix account + Th chroot, email and cron jobs access is 
needed, root access only for initial chroot setup
Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz        PLD/Linux Team
arekm /  

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