[ooo-announce] [pr] FINAL: OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 Is Here.... And It's Our Birthday! (fwd)

Paweł Gołaszewski blues w pld-linux.org
Pią, 13 Paź 2006, 14:38:27 CEST

pozdr.  Paweł Gołaszewski          jid:blues<at>jabber<dot>gda<dot>pl
If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo, then Linux is Dolby
Pro-Logic Surround Sound with Bass Boost and all the music is free.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 07:57:20 -0400
From: Louis Suarez-Potts <luispo w gmail.com>
Reply-To: announce w openoffice.org
To: announce w openoffice.org, users w openoffice.org, dev w openoffice.org
Cc: discuss w openoffice.org, dev w native-lang.openoffice.org
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.752.2)
X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.1.1
Subject: [ooo-announce]  [pr]  FINAL: OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 Is Here.... And
    It's Our Birthday!


This is Friday 13 October and the day marks two important events: the immediate
availability of OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 and our sixth anniversary.

First things first.

OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 is ready for download now. It is a significant release and
recommended for all. As with all OpenOffice.org releases, it runs natively on
Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X (X11) and many other platforms; and it
probably runs in your language. Check with your favourite Native Language
Project to see if the application is available today.

New features, bugfixes, and improvements include:

* Enhanced PDF management
* Direct export to LaTex
* Nested queries in Base
* New functionality in Calc and Impress
* Mac OS X (X11) uses system fonts
* And a lot more...

But the most important is our improved use of extensions. We've been very busy
here, and have succeeded in making it easier for developers of any level to
create extensions (aka "packages") for OpenOffice.org. With 2.0.4, a new door to
the future is opened: Developers everywhere are invited to start writing
extensions! To learn more, visit our Extensions Project,

Download the application now, start using it immediately, and write extensions

* Download: http://downloads.openoffice.org/2.0.4/
* Release Notes: http://development.openoffice.org/releases/2.0.4.html

And now our anniversary.

Six years ago today, OpenOffice.org was launched as an open-source project.
Wikipedia [0] has an excellent timeline, and in the last OOoCon we presented on
the State of the Project [1], but the basic fact is that in the last six years
we have helped shape a new world. Tens of millions of people use OpenOffice.org
daily; governments have or are considering mandating it or its open-standard
file format, the OpenDocument format, or ODF; and all have saved hundreds of
millions of dollars and taken significant steps to ensuring that data is not
lost to proprietary technologies. No small accomplishment.

If you want to participate in this huge and peaceful movement for a better
world, join us, spread the word, help us and yourself out.

Build your world with OpenOffice.org.

-The OpenOffice.org Team

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org
[1] http://www.openoffice.org/editorial/state_of_the_project_year_6.html

About OpenOffice.org

The OpenOffice.org Community is an international team of volunteer and
sponsored contributors who develop, support, and promote the leading
open-source office productivity suite, OpenOffice.org(R).

OpenOffice.org supports the Open Document Format for Office
Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS Standard (ISO/IEC 26300) as well as legacy
file formats and is available on major computing platforms in over 65
languages. OpenOffice.org is provided under the GNU Lesser General
Public Licence (LGPL).

The OpenOffice.org Community acknowledges generous sponsorship from a
number of companies, including Sun Microsystems, the founding sponsor and
primary contributor.


The OpenOffice.org Project can be found at http://www.openoffice.org
The OpenOffice.org office productivity suite may be downloaded free of
charge from http://download.openoffice.org
Further information about the suite may be found at

Press Contacts

John McCreesh (UTC +01h00)
OpenOffice.org Marketing Project Lead
jpmcc w openoffice.org
+44 (0)7 810 278 540

Cristian Driga (UTC +0200)
OpenOffice.org Marketing Project Co-Lead
cdriga w openoffice.org
+40 7887 000 60

Louis Suarez-Potts (UTC -04h00)
OpenOffice.org Community Manager
louis w openoffice.org
+1 (416) 625 3843

Worldwide Marketing Contacts


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