
Michal 'lipek' Lipka lipek w
Sob, 17 Lis 2007, 22:18:00 CET

w załączeniu sms.spec przepuszczony przez adapter.
dopisałem dwa patche - orangembox i miastoplusa (odpowiednio: 
http: // i 
http: //
nie podbijałem wersji bo nie wiem czy w ogóle cokolwiek podbijać i nie wiem jak

czekam na info co poprawić (bo na pewno coś jest nie tak)

Michał 'lipek' Lipka
-------------- następna czę¶ć ---------
# $Revision: 1.97 $, $Date: 2007/02/12 22:09:15 $

#NOTE:	latest working ver of curl with ideambox is 7.12.1
#	tested on 7.12.1-7.14.0

Summary:	Send SMS via Polish GSM operators
Summary(pl.UTF-8):Program do wysyłania krótkich wiadomości (SMS)
Name:		sms
Version:	2.1.0
Release:	1
License:	GPL v2+
Group:		Applications/Communications
# Source0-md5:	dcbf973d5eaea710d31a65e6ca2fb6fb
Source1:	%{name}q
Patch0:		%{name}-miastoplusa.patch
Patch1:		%{name}-orangembox.patch
BuildRequires:	curl-devel
BuildRequires:	gdbm-devel
BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel
BuildRequires:	pcre++-devel
BuildRequires:	pcre-devel
BuildRequires:	rpm-build >= 4.0.2-48
Obsoletes:	sms-X11
BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)

This program sends SMS to mobile phones operaterd by Polish GSM
operators: Era, Plus and Idea.

%description -l pl.UTF-8
Program potrafi wysyłać wiadomości na telefony sieci Era, Plus oraz

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%{__make} \
	CC="%{__cc}" \
	CXX="%{__cxx}" \
	CFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} -fno-rtti"

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}

install sms $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install smsaddr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}


%doc Changelog README* doc/readme.html
%doc contrib/{mimecut,procmailrc,sms-get}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/sms
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/smsaddr
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/smsq

%define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>

$Log: sms.spec,v $
Revision 1.97  2007/02/12 22:09:15  glen
- tabs in preamble

Revision 1.96  2007/02/12 01:06:33  baggins
- converted to UTF-8

Revision 1.95  2007/01/01 23:52:48  arekm
- up to 2.1.0

Revision 1.94  2006/12/22 01:36:13  shadzik
- rel 3 for rebuild with ew curl (

Revision 1.93  2005/05/26 11:10:12  kolodko
- added NOTE about ideambox

Revision 1.92  2005/05/15 18:22:13  adamg
- release 2 for Th

Revision 1.91  2005/04/12 14:38:10  kolodko
- up to 2.0.3

Revision 1.90  2005/03/23 17:18:07  glen
- dropped SourceX-size

Revision 1.89  2005/02/19 08:40:32  megabajt
- added in %%doc Changelog

Revision 1.88  2004/10/31 11:36:09  darekr
- updated to 2.0.2

Revision 1.87  2004/10/26 19:48:31  kolodko
- removed stuff

Revision 1.86  2004/10/26 14:35:47  adamg
- simplified %%setup
- sorted BuildRequires

Revision 1.85  2004/10/26 10:29:22  krzak
- cleanup

Revision 1.84  2004/10/26 10:26:47  ankry
- license fix

Revision 1.83  2004/10/26 09:34:52  krzak
- Obsoletes:      sms-X11

Revision 1.82  2004/10/26 09:18:09  krzak
- up to 2.0.0
- X11 package removed as smstk is no longer in sources

Revision 1.81  2004/08/30 21:39:26  dzeus
- updated to 1.9.2m

Revision 1.80  2004/06/07 18:35:39  blues
- release 4 (rel.3 for RA)

Revision 1.79  2004/05/23 12:33:23  qboosh
- files fixes

Revision 1.78  2004/05/23 12:19:49  kolodko
- fixed location of man pages
- release++ 2 -> 3

Revision 1.77  2004/04/28 18:59:38  undefine
- release 2 for AC

Revision 1.76  2004/04/28 18:58:14  undefine
- remove unused gcc-33.patch

Revision 1.75  2004/04/28 18:53:17  undefine
- update to 1.9.2l

Revision 1.74  2004/04/01 06:28:38  adamg
- updated to 1.9.2i

Revision 1.73  2004/03/22 14:47:21  ankry
- cosmetics
- rel. 2 (rel. 1 is for Ra), STBR for Ac

Revision 1.72  2004/03/05 22:33:46  adamg
- fixed summaries and descriptions

Revision 1.71  2004/03/05 22:13:47  adamg
- updated to 1.9.2g

Revision 1.70  2003/12/23 14:40:07  eothane
- updated to 1.9.2e

Revision 1.69  2003/09/06 11:48:03  adgor
- Desktop files moved to %%{_desktopdir}

Revision 1.68  2003/07/01 22:29:50  undefine
- updated to 1.9.2d
- commented obsolete (?) gcc-3.3 patch - without it sms compiles and works on
  gcc 3.3 w athlon well..

Revision 1.67  2003/06/10 05:48:56  wrobell
- added patch by Pawel Nogas to build sms with gcc 3.3

Revision 1.66  2003/06/06 13:32:47  krolik

- updated to 1.9.2

Revision 1.65  2003/05/25 11:00:59  malekith
- massive attack, adding Source-md5

Revision 1.64  2003/05/25 06:26:50  misi3k
- massive attack s/

Revision 1.63  2003/05/07 06:12:43  krolik

- updated to 1.9.1i

Revision 1.62  2003/03/28 09:01:36  misiek
- rel 2; rebuild

Revision 1.61  2003/03/20 09:53:11  misiek
- 1.9.1h

Revision 1.60  2003/02/12 13:31:08  misiek
- updated to 1.9.1g

Revision 1.59  2003/01/31 23:24:41  filon
- added simple locking capabilites to smsq script
- release 2

Revision 1.58  2003/01/27 22:51:10  filon
- updated to 1.9.1f
- added my smsq script, useful for sms queueing

Revision 1.57  2003/01/27 07:04:45  undefine
- updated to 1.9.1f

Revision 1.56  2003/01/19 13:04:40  kloczek
- added -fno-rtti to CFLAGS (smaller binaries),
- fixed %files.

Revision 1.55  2003/01/19 00:11:53  gotar
- moved X11 subpackage files to /usr hierarchy

Revision 1.54  2003/01/14 20:46:00  radek
- version 1.9.1e

Revision 1.53  2003/01/05 22:47:53  orzech
- c++.patch seems obsolete

Revision 1.52  2003/01/05 19:38:05  orzech
- up to 1.9.1d
- home_etc.patch obsolete (accepted by maintainer ;)

Revision 1.51  2002/12/05 08:03:30  orzech
- updated patch0

Revision 1.50  2002/12/05 07:52:58  krolik

- updated to new 1.9.1 version

Revision 1.49  2002/06/01 19:55:07  orzech
- home_etc patch
- rel 7

Revision 1.48  2002/05/31 10:30:02  gotar
- changed group to Applications/Communications,
- fixed descriptions,
- cosmetics,
- new %doc,
- release 6.

Revision 1.47  2002/04/12 10:26:27  roman
- reverting last change

Revision 1.46  2002/04/12 06:58:11  roman
- /usr/bin/sms moved to /usr/bin/SMS due to the conflict with file /usr/bin/sms from package nut
- raised Release

Revision 1.45  2002/04/02 19:12:49  blues
- fixed desktop and icon in X11 package

Revision 1.44  2002/02/23 22:07:02  mkochano
- Release 4.
- BuildRequires: rpm-build >= 4.0.2-48. But I don't know why rpm-build
  if macros are in rpm.
- Use %%{__cxx} macro again.

Revision 1.43  2002/02/23 20:47:43  mkochano
- There is no macro for c++ compiler.

Revision 1.42  2002/02/23 20:36:34  zytek
- some fixes with icon ;)
- release 3

Revision 1.41  2002/02/23 20:00:29  zytek
- added temporary icon for TkSMS
- release 2

Revision 1.40  2002/02/23 14:35:24  kloczek
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.39  2002/02/23 11:36:53  blues
- separated tk interface for sms to another package (desktop file added)

Revision 1.38  2002/02/23 11:03:54  misiek
- use proper compiler

Revision 1.37  2002/02/23 11:01:41  blues
- 1.8.9i

Revision 1.36  2002/02/23 04:41:58  kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.35  2002/02/22 23:29:44  kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
  Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.34  2002/01/24 10:45:17  filon
- added c++ patch for gcc3 building
- CC=... not needed, it is C++ program
- have to define %{__cxx} in rpm macros
- release 2

Revision 1.33  2002/01/18 02:14:57  kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"

Revision 1.32  2001/12/22 10:14:53  kloczek
- updated to 1.8.9h.

Revision 1.31  2001/11/10 08:59:21  djrzulf
- updated to 1.8.9g.

Revision 1.30  2001/10/06 21:01:28  kloczek
- updated to 1.8.9f.

Revision 1.29  2001/09/25 19:16:42  orzech
- updated to 1.8.9e (minor bugfixes)
- rel 1, STB

Revision 1.28  2001/09/13 07:33:59  saq
- don't tar contrib/ and doc/, gzip the contents
- release 3

Revision 1.27  2001/09/11 20:22:42  zagrodzki
- removed -fno-rtti
- rel. 2

Revision 1.26  2001/09/10 07:51:08  tiwek
new version

Revision 1.25  2001/09/03 11:39:26  martii
- latest version

Revision 1.24  2001/08/30 11:34:00  mkochano
- Updated to 1.8.9b.

Revision 1.23  2001/07/15 03:54:49  kloczek
- updated to 1.8.9a.

Revision 1.22  2001/07/03 19:48:02  martii
- updated to 1.8.9

Revision 1.21  2001/06/16 16:24:03  kloczek
- updated to 1.8.8g.

Revision 1.20  2001/06/16 12:45:24  kloczek
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.19  2001/06/14 10:16:39  mkochano
- Added URL.

Revision 1.18  2001/06/12 21:14:28  misiek
- updated to 1.8.8f

Revision 1.17  2001/06/11 21:02:41  mkochano
- Release 2.
- Minor corrections to descriptions and summary.

Revision 1.16  2001/05/28 14:34:15  undefine
- updated to 1.8.8e (STB?)

Revision 1.15  2001/04/30 16:05:31  kloczek
- added using %%{rpmcflags} macro.

Revision 1.14  2001/04/03 15:34:53  kloczek
- updated to 1.8.8d.

Revision 1.13  2001/03/08 12:07:30  misiek

Revision 1.12  2001/02/16 10:11:13  undefine
- updated to 1.8.8b

Revision 1.11  2001/02/15 13:23:40  areq
- 1.8.8a

Revision 1.10  2001/02/04 21:59:33  areq
- 1.8.8

Revision 1.9  2001/01/30 02:27:10  kloczek
- updated to 1.8.7b.

Revision 1.8  2001/01/25 20:03:49  misiek

Massive attack. We use -O0 instead -O flags while debug enabled.

Revision 1.7  2001/01/10 10:30:43  misiek
updated to a version

Revision 1.6  2001/01/03 13:41:14  areq
- updated to 1.8.7

Revision 1.5  2000/12/23 00:48:47  michuz
- changed %%{!?debug:...}%%{?debug...} to %%{?debug:...}%%{!?debug...}
  (now it's more C like)

Revision 1.4  2000/12/12 22:25:00  misiek
update to c version

Revision 1.3  2000/12/10 12:13:36  areq
- add Log: line
-------------- następna czę¶ć ---------
< 		status = curl.PerformGet("");
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[1] - get");
> 		status = curl.PerformGet("");
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[1] - get");
< 		form.AddField("secureLogin", "on");
< 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] - post");
> 		form.AddField("op", "login");
> 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] - post");
< 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[3] - post");
> 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[3] - post");
< 		curl.PerformGet("");
> 		curl.PerformGet("");
< 		status = curl.PerformGet("");
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[1] - get");
> 		status = curl.PerformGet("");
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[1] - get");
< 		form.AddField("secureLogin", "on");
< 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] - post");
> 		form.AddField("op", "login");
> 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] - post");
< 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[3] - post");
> 		status = curl.PerformPost("", form.PostFields());
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[3] - post");
< 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("do sieci Plus GSM<\\/td><td align(.*?)>(.*?)<\\/td><\\/tr>", 
> 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("do sieci Plus(.*)\n(.*)right\">(.*)<",
< 			st_plus = match[0][1];
< 			if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("do innych sieci<\\/td><td align(.*?)>(.*?)<\\/td><\\/tr>",
> 			st_plus = match[0][2];
> 			if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("do innych sieci(.*)\n(.*)right\">(.*)<",
< 				st_inne = match[0][1];
> 				st_inne = match[0][2];
< 		curl.PerformGet("");
> 		curl.PerformGet("");
-------------- następna czę¶ć ---------
< 		form.AddField("_DARGS", "/gear/static/signIn.jsp");
> 		form.AddField("_DARGS", "/gear/static/signInLoginBox.jsp");
< 		status = curl.PerformPost("",
> 		status = curl.PerformPost("",
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] -");
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] -");
< 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">darmowe:</span>.*<span class=\"value\">([0-9]+)</span>", 
> 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">bezp..atne:</span>.*<span class=\"value\">([0-9]+)</span>", 
< 		} else if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">darmowe:.*>([0-9]+)<.*?z do..adowa..:.*>([0-9]+)<",
> 		} else if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">bezp..atne:.*>([0-9]+)<.*?z do..adowa..:.*>([0-9]+)<",
< 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">darmowe:.*>([0-9]+)<.*?z do..adowa..:.*>([0-9]+)<", 
> 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">bezp..atne:.*>([0-9]+)<.*?z do..adowa..:.*>([0-9]+)<", 
< 		} else if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">darmowe:</span>.*<span class=\"value\">([0-9]+)</span>",
> 		} else if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">bezp..atne:</span>.*<span class=\"value\">([0-9]+)</span>",
< 		form.AddField("_DARGS", "/gear/static/signIn.jsp");
> 		form.AddField("_DARGS", "/gear/static/signInLoginBox.jsp");
< 		status = curl.PerformPost("",
> 		status = curl.PerformPost("",
< 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] -");
> 		if (status) throw Exception("[2] -");
< 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">darmowe:</span>.*<span class=\"value\">([0-9]+)</span>", 
> 		if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">bezp..atne:</span>.*<span class=\"value\">([0-9]+)</span>", 
< 		} else if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">darmowe:.*>([0-9]+)<.*?z do..adowa..:.*>([0-9]+)<",
> 		} else if (PcreWrap::pcre_match_all("<span class=\"label\">bezp..atne:.*>([0-9]+)<.*?z do..adowa..:.*>([0-9]+)<",

Więcej informacji o li¶cie dyskusyjnej pld-devel-pl