Michał Lisowski
lisu87 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 15:01:19 CET 2011
W dniu 21.01.2011 13:59, Przemyslaw Iskra pisze:
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 01:09:02PM +0100, Basia Żuławnik wrote:
>> Tymczasem chciałabym jeszcze podrzucić łatkę do R-cran-leaps podbijającą do 2.9.
>> Napotkałam tu na taki problem, że przy instalacji/deinstalacji pojawia się coś takiego:
>> /tmp/rpm-tmp.5277[5]: cannot create ../doc/html/search/index.txt: No such file or directory
>> Can't open perl script "../share/perl/build-help.pl": Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
>> błąd: %postun(R-cran-leaps-2.9-1.i686) skryptlet nie powiódł się, status wyjścia 2
>> Nie umiałam tego obejść, w innych specach R-cran też nie znalazłam obejścia, więc zakomentowałam post i postun (nie bijcie :>). Jeśli ktoś ma pomysł jak to rozwiązać bez komentowania, to będę wdzięczna za hinta :)
> http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/packages/R/R.spec.diff?r1=1.122;r2=1.123
> Będziemy bić lisa !
To jest ChangeLog R'a dla wersji 2.10.0:
• Package help is now converted from Rd by the R-based converters
that were first introduced in 2.9.0. This means
• Packages that were installed by R-devel after 2009-08-09
should not be used with earlier versions of R, and most
aspects of package help (including the runnable examples)
will be missing if they are so used.
• Text, HTML and latex help and examples for packages installed
under the new system are converted on-demand from stored
parsed Rd files. (Conversions stored in packages installed
under R < 2.10.0 are used if no parsed Rd files are found.
It is recommended that such packages be re-installed.)
• HTML help is now generated dynamically using an HTTP server
running in the R process and listening on the loopback interface.
• Those worried about security implications of such a server
can disable it by setting the environment variable
R_DISABLE_HTTPD to a non-empty value. This disables
help.start() and HTML help (so text help is shown instead).
• The Java/Javascript search engine has been replaced by an
HTML interface to help.search(). help.start() no longer has
an argument searchEngine as it is no longer needed.
• The HTML help can now locate cross-references of the form
\link[pkg]{foo} and \link[pkg:foo]{bar} where foo is an alias
in the package, rather than the documented (basename of a)
filename (since the documentation has been much ignored).
Dlatego R z defaultu nie instaluje katalogu
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