rpm5 Berkeley DB downgrade

Jan Rękorajski baggins at pld-linux.org
Tue Nov 27 14:16:10 CET 2012

Due to incompatibilities between BDB 5.3 and rpm5 and problems they cause
(DB_BUFFER_SMALL errors causing sometimes partial upgrades, ntpd package
causing rpm5 loop on upgrade) I am forced to downgrade rpm's BDB to 5.2
which is well tested and interoperating properly.

In the next few days I will prepare packages with rpm, poldek and vserver-utils
that will allow clean downgrade (and of course upgrade from rpm4).

When you see rpm and poldek with fractional releases (35.X and rc6.4.Y) in
th-test, those will be using BDB 5.2, so please test them and report
if anything wrong happens.

Jan Rękorajski                                 | PLD/Linux
SysAdm                                         | http://www.pld-linux.org/

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