rpm 5.x in Th

Łukasz Chrustek lukasz at chrustek.net
Sat Sep 22 15:38:30 CEST 2012


> RPM 5 is now officially the package manager of PLD Th.
> Complete package set (rpm, poldek, etc.) is available in th-test,
> and builders have been upgraded to new rpm.

> Some basic information is available on http://www.pld-linux.org/RPM5
> feel free to add whatever you think may be important.

Wiecie może, czym to ugryźć:

rpm -Uvh --rollback '20 minutes ago'
Cel wycofania:  Sat Sep 22 15:16:34 2012 (0x505dba32)
BDB2053 Freeing read locks for locker 0xd7: 22748/3061307264
BDB2053 Freeing read locks for locker 0xd8: 22748/3061307264
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
BDB2017 Freeing mutex for process: 22748/0
rpm: rpmdb.c:2742: rpmmiInit: Warunek zapewnienia `keylen == sizeof(he->p.ui32p[0])' nie został spełniony.
zsh: abort      rpm -Uvh --rollback '20 minutes ago'

# rpm -q rpm

 Łukasz Chrustek

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