noarch subpackages

Jan Rękorajski baggins at
Fri Feb 26 23:54:50 CET 2021

$ testmvpkg ready PLD *
ERR: kernel-4.4-4.4.258-1 moving would remove archs: th-noarch
ERR: kernel-4.19-4.19.177-1 moving would remove archs: th-noarch
ERR: kernel-4.14-4.14.222-1 moving would remove archs: th-noarch
ERR: kernel-4.9-4.9.258-1 moving would remove archs: th-noarch
ERR: kernel-5.4-5.4.100-1 moving would remove archs: th-noarch

I've just had enough of the "if BLARGH BuildArch: noarch" BS.

We have had an rpm that supports it for almost 10 years (maybe more, I
can't remember if 4.4.9 didn't support it really).

I am removing *all* contitionals on noarch subpackages and consecutively
will drop %noarchpackage from rpm macros.

Time to move on with the times, if anyone wants to support antiquated rpm
version, please do it on a branch.

Jan Rękorajski                    | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | baggins<at> |

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