PLD-Guide python.xml,1.18,1.19
Artur Wróblewski
wrobell w
Wto, 30 Lip 2002, 16:23:48 CEST
Module name: PLD-Guide
Changes by: wrobell
Changed RCS file: /cvsroot/LDP/guide/docbook/PLD-Guide/devel/python.xml,v
revision 1.19
date: 2002/07/30 14:23:46; author: wrobell; state: Exp; lines: +58 -31
- more info about pyrequires_eq macro
- descriptions of py_*comp macros and pyrequires_eq macros go into
Index: python.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/LDP/guide/docbook/PLD-Guide/devel/python.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- python.xml 30 Jul 2002 13:55:26 -0000 1.18
+++ python.xml 30 Jul 2002 14:23:46 -0000 1.19
@@ -377,40 +377,67 @@
Most of above macros are self explanatory... and some not, so read on. :-)
- <para>
- Macros <literal role="rpm.macro">py_comp</literal>
- and <literal role="rpm.macro">py_ocomp</literal> should be used when
- software installation routine does
- not provide byte compiled modules installation.
- </para>
- <para>
- The macros use Python <literal role="lib">compileall</literal>
- module which scans given directory and its subdirectories for Python modules and compiles
- them into bytecode.
- <example>
- <title>
- Compiling Python modules into bytecode.
- </title>
- <screen>%install
+ <section id='python.macros.comp'>
+ <para>
+ Macros <literal role="rpm.macro">py_comp</literal>
+ and <literal role="rpm.macro">py_ocomp</literal> should be used when
+ software installation routine does
+ not provide byte compiled modules installation.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The macros use Python <literal role="lib">compileall</literal>
+ module which scans given directory and its subdirectories for Python modules and compiles
+ them into bytecode.
+ <example>
+ <title>
+ Compiling Python modules into bytecode.
+ </title>
+ <screen>%install
%py_comp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitedir}
%py_ocomp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitedir}</screen>
+ </example>
+ Please note, that compilation must be performed after module source files installation, because
+ the directory path, where the sources reside, is put into binary files
+ during byte compilation.
+ Information about correct directory path in compiled modules is useful, due to
+ thrown exceptions which display it.
+ <!-- todo: example of thrown exception -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id='python.macros.pyrequires_eq'>
+ <para>
+ Macro <literal role='rpm.macro'>pyrequires_eq</literal> is
+ very useful for packages which require software distributed
+ with Python language.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ It creates dependency on specified package with main
+ version unchanged. For example, when you want
+ dependency on <literal role='rpm.package'>python-libs</literal> package and use this
+ macro, then created package will require
+ <literal role='rpm.package'>python-libs</literal> with
+ version greater or equal to 2.2 and less then 2.3 (when
+ Python 2.2.x is installed, of course).
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <title>
+ Using <literal role='rpm.macro'>pyrequires_eq</literal>
+ macro.
+ </title>
+ <screen>...
+%pyrequires_eq python-modules
+BuildRequires: libglade2-devel >= 2.0.0
- Please note, that compilation must be performed after module source files installation, because
- the directory path, where the sources reside, is put into binary files
- during byte compilation.
- Information about correct directory path in compiled modules is useful, due to
- thrown exceptions which display it.
- </para>
- <!-- para>
- more info about: py_?comp and pyrequires_eq macros
- For example, when you want
- dependency on python-libs package and use this
- macro, then created package will require
- python-libs with version greater or equal to 2.2 and less
- then 2.3.
- This macro is very usefull, because
- </para -->
+ <para>
+ The macro is very useful, because new minor Python
+ language versions do not (or should not) introduce
+ any incompatible modifications such as library API.
+ Such way, it is easy to upgrade distribution software
+ without unnecessary recompilation of several modules.
+ </para>
+ </section>
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